Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 13 Configuring Optional Spanning-Tree Features
Unders tanding Optional Spanning -Tree Features

Understanding Port Fast

Port Fast immedia tely br ings an inte rface configured as an acces s or trunk port to t he forwardin g state
from a bloc kin g sta te, bypa ssing the li steni ng a nd le arni ng state s. You can use Port Fast on po rts
connected to a single workstation or server, as shown in Figure 13-1, to allow those devices to
immediately connect to the network, rather than waiting for the spanning tree to converge.
Por ts co nnect ed to a singl e wo rkst atio n or s erve r sho uld n ot rec ei v e bri dge pr otoc ol dat a uni ts (B PDUs) .
A port with Port Fast enabled goe s through th e normal cycle of spannin g-tree status chan ges when th e
switch is restarted.
Note Because the purpose of Port Fast is to minimize the time ports must wait for spanning-tree to converge,
it is effective only whe n used on ports c onnected to end stati ons. If you enab le Port Fast on a port
connec ting t o anot her swi tch, you ri sk c reati ng a sp an ning- tre e lo op.
If your switch is running PVST or MSTP, you can enable this feature by using the spanning-tree
portfast interface configuration or the spanning-tree portfast default global configuration command.
The MSTP is available onl y if you have the EI installed on you r switch.
Figure 13-1 Port Fast-Enabled Ports
Catalyst 6000
series switch
Catalyst 3550
Catalyst 2950 or 3550
Fast-enabled port
Catalyst 2950 or 3550