Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Configuring IE2100 CNS Agents
Unders tanding IE2100 Series Configura tion Registrar Softw are
Figure 5-1 Configuration Registrar Architectural Overview
These secti ons cont ain this co nceptu al in forma tion:
CNS Configurati on Se rvic e, pag e 5- 2
CNS Event Serv ice, page 5-3
What You Sho uld Know Abo ut C onfigID, DeviceID , and Host Na me , pa ge 5 -3

CNS Configuration Service

The CN S C onfigurat ion Se rvic e is th e co re c om ponen t of t he Configur ati on Regi stra r. It co ns ists of a
configuration server that works with CNS configuration agents located on the switch. The CNS
Configuration Service delivers device and service configurations to the switch for initial configuration
and mass reconfiguration by logical groups. Switches receive their initial configuration from the CNS
Configuration Service when they start up on the network for the first time.
The CN S C onfigurati on Servic e use s the CN S Event Se rv ice t o se nd an d rec eive configuration c hange
events and to send success and failure notifications.
The co nfiguration server is a web ser ver that uses c onfiguration templa tes and the device- specific
configuration information stored in the embedded (standalone mode) or remote (server mode) directory .
Configuration templates are text files containing static configuration information in the form of CLI
commands. In the templates, variables are specified using lightweight directory access protocol (LD AP)
URLs that reference the device-specific configuration information stored in a directory.
The co nfiguration agent ca n perform a syn tax chec k on received configurat ion files and publi sh events
to indicate the success or failure of the syntax check. The configuration agent can either apply
configurati on s i mme diat el y o r de lay th e a ppli cat ion un til re cei pt o f a synchr oniz a tion event from t he
configurati on server.
Service provider network
Order entry
configuration management
Data service
Configuration server
Event service
user interface