Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 5 Configuring IE2100 CNS Agents
Configur ing CNS Em bedded Agents

Incremental (Partial) Configur ation

After t he ne twork is r unn ing, new serv ice s ca n b e ad de d by using t he CN S c onfigura tion ag en t.
Increme ntal (p artial) c onf igura tions can be se nt to th e switch . The a ctual conf igur ation ca n be sen t as an
event payload by way o f the event gateway (push operation) or as a signal event that triggers t he switch
to initiate a pull operation.
The switc h can ch eck the syntax of the configurati on befo re applyin g it. If the synt ax is corr ect, t he
switch applies the incremental configuration and publishes an event that signals success to the
configuration server. If the switch does not apply the incremental configuration, it publishes an event
showing an error status. Wh en the switch has applied the incremental configuration, it can write it to
nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM) or wait until signaled to do so.

Synchronized Configuration

When the swit ch receives a configuration, it can d efer ap plica tio n of th e c onfiguratio n upon rec eip t of a
write-signal event. The write-signal event tells the switch not to save the updated configuration into its
NVRAM. The switch uses the updated configuration as its running configuration. This ensures that the
switch configur ation i s sy nchro niz ed wi th o ther networ k ac tivities b efore s aving the configur ation in
NVRAM for use at the next reb oot.

Configuring CNS Embedd ed Agents

The CNS agents embedded in the switch IOS software allow the switch to be connected and
automatically configured as described in the Enabling Automated CNS Configuration section on
page 5-6. If you want to chan ge the con figuration or inst all a cust om configurati on, see th ese sect ions
for in struct ions:
Enab lin g th e CN S E ven t A ge nt , pa ge 5 -8
Enab ling the CN S Configuration Age nt, page 5-9

Enabling Automated CNS Configuration

To enable automated CNS configuration of the switch, you must first complete the prerequisites in
Table 5-1. When you complet them, power on the switch. At the setup prom pt, do not hin g: Th e sw it ch
begin s the initia l confi guration as described in the Initial Co nfiguratio n section on page 5-5. When the
full co nfigurat ion file is loa de d o n your sw itch , you nee d to do n othing e lse.