Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS
Topology Vie w

Topology Vie w

The Topology view displays how the devices within a switch cluster are connected and how the switch
cluster i s con ne cte d to oth er cl usters and devices . From t his view, you can a dd and re move cluste r
member s. Th is vi ew provide s two levels of detai l o f t he ne twork topo l ogy:
When you right -click a cluster icon and sel ect Expa nd Cluster, the Topology view displays the
switch cluster in detail. This view shows the command switch and member switches in a cluster. It
also shows cand idate switches that can join the cluster. This vie w does not display the details of any
neighbori ng swit ch c luster s. (See Figure 3-8).
When you right-click a command-switch icon and select Collapse Cluster, th e cluster is collapsed
and repre sented by a single icon. Th e view shows how the clu ster is con nected to other clust ers,
candidate switches, and devices that are not eligible to join the cluster (such as routers, access
points, I P p hon es, a nd so on) . (Se e Figure 3-9).
Note The Topology vie w displays only the switch cluster and network neighborhood of the specif ic command
or member switch that you access. To display a different switch cluster, you need to access the command
switc h or mem ber switc h of that clust er.
You can arrange the device ic ons in this view. To move a device i con, cl ick and drag t h e icon. To select
multipl e d evice ic ons, y ou ca n ei the r:
Press the left mous e butt on, drag the pointer over the grou p of device icons that you wan t to selec t,
and th en rel ease the mo use button.
Press the Ctrl key, an d cl ick the device ic ons tha t yo u want to selec t.
After selecting the icons, drag the icons to any area in the view.
Table 3-6 VLAN Membership Modes
Mode Color
Static access Light green
Dynamic access Pink
802.1Q tr unk Peach
Nego ti ate tru nk Wh ite