Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting S tar ted with CMS Interaction Modes

Interaction Modes

You ca n ch an ge th e i nte rac tion m ode of CM S to ei the r gu id e or expe rt m ode. G uide mod e step s yo u
through each fea ture optio n and provides i nformat ion about the parame ter. Expert mode displays a
configurat ion w indow in w h ich you con figure the f eat ure opt ion s.

Guide Mode

Note Gu ide mode is not available if your sw itch acc ess level is read -only. For more infor mation ab out the
read-o nly access mode, see the Access Modes in CMS section on page 3-31.
Guide mode is for users who want a step-by-step approach for completing a specific configuration task.
This mode is not avai lable fo r all feat ures. A me nu-bar opti on that has a person icon me ans that gui de
mode is available for that option.
When you click Guid e Mode and then select a menu-bar option that supports guide mode, CMS displays
a specific parameter of the feature with information about the parameter field. To configure the feature,
you provide the info rmation that CMS requests in each step until you click Finish in the last step.
Clicking Cancel at any t ime clo ses a nd en ds th e co nfigur ation t ask w it hou t a pply ing a ny c hange s.
If Expert Mode is se lect ed and you want t o use guide m ode, you must cl ic k Guide Mode before
selecting an option from the menu bar , tool bar, or popup menu. If you change the interaction mode after
selecting a configuration option, the mode change does not take effect until you select another
configurat ion op tio n.

Expert Mode

Expert mode is for users who prefer to display all the parameter fields of a feature in a single C MS
window. Information about the parameter fields is available by clicking the Help button.
Table 3-21 Device Popup Menu of a Neighboring-Device Icon
Popup Menu Option Task
Device Manage r1
1. Available from a cluster member switch but not from the command switch.
Access th e web mana gement i nterface of the devi ce.
Note This option is available on Cisco access points, but n ot on Cisco IP
phones, hu bs, ro ute rs and o n unknown devices such as some Cisco
devices and third-pa rty devices.
Disqualification Code Display the reason why the device could not join the cluster.
Proper ties Displa y in for ma tion abo ut t h e device.