Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Adminis tering the Switch Controlling Switch Access with RADIUS
RADIUS is not suitable in these network security situations:
Multiprotocol access environments. RADIUS does not support AppleTalk Remote Access (ARA),
NetBI OS Frame Control Protocol (NBFCP), NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface (NASI), or
X.25 PAD co nne ctio ns .
Switch-t o-switc h or router-to-router situat ions. RADIUS does not provide two-way authe ntication.
RADIUS can be used to authenticate from one device to a non-Cisco de vice if the non-Cisco device
requires authentication.
Networks using a variet y of ser vic es. RA DIU S gene rally bi nds a user t o on e se rvice mo de l.
Figure 7-2 Transitioning from RADIUS to TACACS+ Services

RADIUS Operation

When a user attem pts to log in and authentic ate to a switch that is acce ss contro lled by a RADIUS serv er ,
these events occur:
1. The use r is pr om pted t o ent er a u ser name a nd pa sswor d.
2. The username and encrypted password are sent over the network to the RADIUS server.
3. The user receives one of these responses from the RADIUS server:
a. ACCEPTThe user is authenticated.
b. REJECTThe user is either not authenticated and is prompted to re-enter the username and
password, or a ccess i s deni ed.
c. CHALLENGEA challenge requires additional data from the user.
d. CHALLENGE PASSWORDA response re quests the use r to select a new password.
The ACCEPT or RE JE CT respo nse is bundled wi th ad di tiona l dat a that is used f or pr ivileged EXE C or
network authorization. Users must first successfully complete RADIUS authentication before
proceedin g to RADIUS authorization , if it is enabled. The additio nal data included with the ACCEPT or
REJ ECT p ac ket s in clud es the s e i t em s:
Telnet, SSH, r login, or privileged EX EC services
Connecti on para met ers, inc luding t he h ost o r cli ent I P addr ess , ac cess l ist, a nd user time outs
Catalyst 2950 or
3550 switch