Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File System , Configura tion Files, an d Software Ima g es
Working with Software Images

Copying Image Files By Using TFTP

You can download a switch image from a TFTP server or upload the image from the switch to a TFTP
You download a switch image file from a server to upgrade the switch software. You can overwrite the
current image with the new one or keep the current image after a download.
You upl oad a switc h image file to a server for back up purpos es; this uploaded image can be used fo r
future downloads to the same or another sw itch of the same ty pe.
This section includes this information:
Preparing to Download or Upload an Image File By Using TFTP, page B-22
Downloading a n I mage File By Usi ng TFTP, page B-23
Uploadi ng a n I mage File By Usi ng TFT P, page B-24

Preparing to Download or Upload an Image File By Using TFTP

Before yo u begin downlo ading or uplo ading an i mage file by using TFTP, do t hese task s:
Ensure that the workstation acting as the TFTP server is properly configured. On a Sun workstation,
make sure that the /etc/inetd.conf file contains this line:
tftp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/in.tftpd in.tftpd -p -s /tftpboot
Make sure that the /etc/services file contains this line:
tftp 69/udp
Note You must restart the inet d daemon after modifying the /etc/inetd.c onf and /etc/ser vices f iles.
To restart the daemon, either stop the inetd process and restart it, or enter a fastboot
command (on the SunOS 4.x) or a reboot command (on Solaris 2.x or SunOS 5.x). For more
inform ati on on t he T FTP da em on, re fer to the d ocume nta ti on for y our workst atio n.
Ensure that the switch has a route to the TFTP server. The switch and the TFTP server must be in
the same subnetwork if you do not hav e a router to route traffic between subnets. Check connectivity
to the TFTP server by using the ping command.
Ensure that th e image to be downloaded is in the correct directory on the TFTP server (usually
/tftpboot o n a U NIX work stat ion ).
For download op erati ons , ensu re that the pe rmis sion s on the file ar e set co rrec tly. The per miss ion
on the file should be world-read.
Before up loadin g the ima ge file, you migh t need to cre ate an empt y file on the TFTP server. To
create an em pty file, en te r th e touch filename command, where filename is the name of the file you
will use whe n uploading the imag e to the se rver.
During upload operations, if you are ov erwriting an existing file (including an empty file, if you had
to create o ne ) on t he server , en su re tha t th e permissio n s on th e file are set correctly. Permissions o n
the file shou ld b e world- writ e.