Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File System , Configura tion Files, an d Software Ima g es
Working w it h t he Flash File Syst em
To display information about files on a file system, use one of the privileged EXEC commands in
Table B-2:

Changing Dir ect or ies an d Displa ying the Wo rking Dire ctory

Beginning in privileged E XEC mo de, fol low these s teps t o cha ng e di rec torie s and di splay t he wor king

Creating and Rem oving Directo rie s

Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de , fol low th ese s tep s t o cr ea te an d re move a d ire ctor y:
Table B-2 Commands for Displaying Information About Files
Command Description
dir [/all] [filesystem:][filename] Displa y a list of files on a file syst em.
show file syste ms Display more information about each of the files on a file system.
show file information file-url Display info rmation a bout a spec ific file.
show file descriptors Display a list of open file descriptors. File descriptors are the internal representations
of open files. You can use this co mman d to see if ano ther user has a file open.
Command Purpose
Step 1 dir filesystem:Display the directories on the specified file system.
For filesystem:, use flash: for the syste m board Flas h device.
Step 2 cd new_configs Chan ge to the dire ctory of interest .
The comm and example shows how to change to the di rectory na med
Step 3 pwd Displa y the working di rectory.
Command Purpose
Step 1 dir filesystem:Display the directories on the specified file system.
For filesystem:, use flash: for the syste m board Flas h device.
Step 2 mkdir old_configs Create a new directory.
The command example shows how to create the directory named old_configs.
Direct ory name s are case sensit ive.
Directory names are limited to 45 characters between the slashes (/); the name
cannot contain control charact ers, spaces , deletes, slashes, quotes, semicolons,
or col on s.
Step 3 dir filesystem:Verify your entry.