Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring LRE
Upgradi ng LRE Switch Fir m ware
If you wish to override the switchs automatic selection of LRE binaries, you have these methods
Globa l LRE Upgr ade Con figu ration Com mands
LRE Contr oll er c onfiguratio n c om mand s
You can use config global co mm an ds to spec i fy t he L RE bi nary or b inar ies fo r a spe cified target type.
(A target type is the family [and opt ionall y the mode l or model revision] of a device co ntain ing one or
more up gra da ble h ardwa re e lem en ts. ) A t arget can be a l oc al LR E co nt ro ller on th e sw it ch or a rem ot e
CPE device.
You can perfo rm g loba l LRE upgra de configurat ions by issuin g LR E upgrade controller configuration
commands from the controller configuration submode. You can use the upgrade configuration command
in th e co nt rolle r subm ode to override the syst em defau lt se lectio n o f an LR E bi nary t o be a ppli ed on a
particu lar rem ote CPE device or local LR E control ler. Controll er configuratio ns take precedenc e over
global upgrad e configurati ons.
The preserve ke yword causes the LRE upgrade mechanism to not upgrad e the lo cal controller on which
preserve is co nfigur ed or a ny of the CPE devices con nec te d to th at cont rol ler. If y ou wan t to pre se rve
(in other word s, not upgra de) some of t he CPE devices connect ed to a partic ular con troller but allow
upgrades to others, you can enter controller upgrade configuration commands for the links that you want
to upgr ad e.
The no form of the upgrade com ma nd removes the comma nd fo r appl ying a partic ula r LR E bina ry. To
resume de fault upgrad e behavior for a given cont roller, configure the no upgrade commands on that
contro ll e r
Note Yo u also need to remove global con figurati ons that migh t also affect the co ntroll er and d evice s
connected to it.
Note When a config global co mmand and a config cont rolle r comma nd confl ict, th e config cont rolle r
command has precedence.
Refer to the reference pages for the upgrade commands in the Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Command
Reference for furt her detai ls.

Perf or ming an L RE Upg ra de

You can upgrade either on a system-wide basis (in other words, upgrading the software on all connected
CPE devices and lo cal L RE chi pset s) or on ind ividual CPE d evice or L RE c ontr oller s. By default , a
system-wi de upgra de applie s the most rece nt versions of LRE bi naries that are most co mpatibl e with
each upgr adab l e ha rdware mod ul e. T he syst em -wi de u pgr ad e met hod i s t he one th at you use in a lmost
all situations.
When executing upgrades, you can elect to upgrade a single CPE device or local controller by using this
comm an d hw-module slot <x> upgrade lre [local lo n | re m ot e l o x / y ]. If no local or remote option is
given, a syste m-wid e upgra de is perfo rmed .