Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File S ys tem, Configurat ion Files, and Soft w are Images Working with Software Images

Downloading an Image File By Using TFTP

You can download a new image file and replace the current image or keep the current image.
Beginning i n p rivileged EXE C m ode , fol low Steps 1 thr oug h 3 to d ownload a n ew imag e from a TFT P
server and overwrite the existing image. To keep the current image, skip Step 3.
The download a lgor ithm verifies tha t t he i m age i s a pp ropri ate f or the swi tch m odel and t hat enou gh
DRAM is present, or it aborts the process and reports an error. If you specify the /overwrite option, the
download algorithm re moves the exis ti ng imag e on the Flash device whether o r not it is the sa me as the
new one, downloads the new image, and then reloads the software.
Command Purpose
Step 1 Copy the image t o the appr opriate T FTP director y on the
workstation. Ma ke su re t he T FT P se rver i s prope rly c onfigure d;
see the Prepar ing to Downlo ad or Upload an I mage File By Using
TFTP section on page B-22.
Step 2 Log into the switch through the console port or a Telnet session.
Step 3 archive download-sw /overwrite /reload
tftp:[[//location]/directory]/image-name.tar Download t he im ag e file f r o m the TF T P s e rver t o th e sw itc h, a nd
overwrite the current image.
The /overwrite option overwrites the software image in Flash
with the downloaded image only if the image version of the
image being downloaded is the same as an existing copy in
Flash memo ry.
The /reload option reloads the system after downloading the
image unless the configuration has been changed and not been
For //location, specify the I P add ress o f the TFT P server.
Fo r /directory/image-name.tar, specify the dire ctory
(optional) and the image to download. Directory and image
names are case sensitive.
Step 4 archive download-sw /leave-old-sw /reload
tftp:[[//location]/directory]/image-name.tar Download t he im ag e file f r o m the TF T P s e rver t o th e sw itc h, a nd
keep the current image.
The /leave-old-sw option keeps the old software version after
a download.
The /reload option reloads the system after downloading the
image unless the configuration has been changed and not been
For //location, specify the I P add ress o f the TFT P server.
Fo r /directory/image-name.tar, specify the dire ctory
(optional) and the image to download. Directory and image
names are case sensitive.