Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
exten ded , crea tin g 25-10
for QoS classification 26-16
implicit deny 25-9, 25-13, 25-15
implicit masks 25-9
manage ment inter faces, a pplying to 25-20
named 25-13
physica l interf aces, ap plying t o 25-21
standard, creating 25-9
undefined 25-19, 25-21
virtual terminal lines, setting on 25-20
IP addresses
candi dat e o r me mb er 6-4, 6-15
cluster access 6-2
comm an d sw it ch 6-3, 6-13, 6-15
discovering 7-61
manageme nt VLAN 6-18
redunda nt c luste rs 6-13
standby comm a nd sw itch 6-13, 6 -15
See also IP i nforma tion
ip igmp profile command 17-21
IP inform ation
manually 4-10
through D HCP-b ased au to confi g urat ion 4-3
default conf igur ati on 4-3
IP multicast rou ting and IGMP snoop ing 17-1, 17-5
IP phones
and Qo S 16-1
configuring 16-3
trusted bou ndary for QoS 26-13
IP protocols in ACLs 25-12
ISDN 1-2


Java plug -in confi gurat ion 3-1, 6-1
join messages, IGMP 17-2


Layer 2 fr ames, clas sifica tion wi th CoS 26-2
Layer 2 in terface s, defaul t confi gurat ion 9-10
Layer 2 trun ks 14-15
Layer 3 pa ckets, classifica tion meth ods 26-2
Layer 3 pa rameter s of ACEs 25-10
Layer 4 pa rameter s of ACEs 25-10
LDAP 5-2
leave processing, IGMP 17-9
port 3-8, 3-9
port m odes 3-9
RPS 3-8
legend, CMS icons a nd labels 3-20
lightweig ht di rec tor y ac cess proto col
line conf igurat ion mode 2-3
qualification of 10-12
SNR 10-12
link guide lines, CPE Et herne t 10-7
link icon s, Topolog y view 3-13
link labels 3-13
link moni tor, LRE 10-14
link pop-up menu, To pology vi ew 3-22
links, unidirectional 19-1
lists, CMS 3-29
login authentication
with RADIUS 7-23
with TACACS+ 7-14
login bann ers 7-51
log message s
See system message logging
loop gu ar d
described 13-13
enabling 13-20
support fo r 1-5
LRE en vironm ent 10-6