Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Administering the Switch
Managing the MAC Address Table
To disable th e switch fr om sending MAC address notification tra ps, use the no snmp-server enable
traps mac-notification global con fig uration co mman d. To disab le the MAC address notification tr aps
on a specific interface, use the no snmp trap mac-notification {added | removed} interface
configuration command. To disable the MAC address notification feature, use the no mac address-t able
notification g l obal c onfigura tio n com mand .
This example shows how to specify as the NMS, enable the switch to send MAC address
notification traps to the NMS, enable the MAC address notification feature, set the interval time to 60
seconds, set the hi stor y-siz e to 10 0 entr ies, and enabl e tr aps whe never a MAC addres s is adde d on Fast
Ether net inter face 0/4.
Switch(config)# snmp-server host traps private
Switch(config)# snmp-server enable traps mac-notification
Switch(config)# mac address-table notification
Switch(config)# mac address-table notification interval 60
Switch(config)# mac address-table notification history-size 100
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/4
Switch(config-if)# snmp trap mac-notification added
You can verify the previous commands by entering the show mac address-table notifica tion int erfa ce
and th e show mac address-table n oti ficatio n privileged EXEC commands.

Adding and Removing Static Address Entries

A static address has these characteristics:
It is manu ally en tered in the a ddress tab le and must be manual ly removed.
It can be a unicast or multicast address.
It does not age and is retained when the switch restarts.
You ca n ad d an d r em ove static addr ess es and de fine th e fo rwardi ng behavior for the m. The for wardi ng
behavior determ ines how a port that receives a packet forwards i t to anothe r port fo r transmissi on.
Because all ports are associated with at least one VLAN, the switch acquires the VLAN ID for the
address fr om the ports th at you specif y. You ca n specify a different list of de stination ports for each
source port .
A static address in one VLAN must be a static address in other VLANs. A packet with a static address
that arrives on a VLAN where it has not been statically entered is flooded to all ports and not learned.
You add a sta tic addre ss to the addre ss table by specifyin g the des tination M AC address (un icast or
multicast) and the VLAN from which it is received. Packets received with this destination address are
forwarded to the interface specified with the interface-id option.
Step 9 show mac address-table notification interface
show running-config
Verify your e ntrie s.
Step 10 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration
Command Purpose