Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 28 Troubleshooting LRE Statistics
Late Collisions The total num ber of frames disca rded because of late c ollisions detect ed during transmission.
It includes all transmit frames that had a collision after the transmission of the frame's 64th
byte. T he p re ambl e a nd SFD a re not inc lude d in t h e fr am e's byt e co unt.
Excess Collisions The total number of frames that failed to be sent after 16 collisions. It includes frames of all
destinat ion address t ypes.
Frame Discard Counts the number of transmit frames that were tagged with an 802.1q tag and discarded
during transmission .
Bytes Total number of bytes received by this port.
Unicast Frames The total number of well-form ed unicast frames received by a por t. It excludes frames
received with errors, with multicast or broadcast destination addresses, or with oversized or
unders ized fra mes. Also exclude d are fram es disca rded or wi thout a dest ination .
Multicast Frames The total number of well-formed multicast frames received by a port. It excludes frames
rece ived with e rrors , wit h unic ast or broa dc ast dest inat ion addr ess es, o r wit h oversized or
unders ized fra mes. Also exclude d are fram es disc arded or wi thout a dest ination .
Broadcast Frames The total number of well-formed broadcast frames received by a port. It excludes frames
received with errors, with unicast or m ulticast destination addresses, or with oversized or
unders ized fra mes. Also exclude d are fram es disc arded or wi thout a de stination .
Dropped Frames The count of received frames that were dropped.
Pause Frames Incremented for each MAC pause control frame received.
Alignment Errors The total nu mber of frames recei ve d with alignment err ors. I t includes all the fram es recei ved
with both a n FCS error and a non integral num ber of bytes.
Fragments The total number of frames of less than 64 bytes that have an integral number of by tes and
bad FCS values.
Undersize Frames The total number of frames received that were less than 64 octets long (excluding framing
bits, but including FCS oc tets) an d were otherwise well formed.
Oversize Frames The total number of frames received of more than 1518 bytes that have good FCS values.
FCS err ors The t o tal nu mber o f fra mes re ceived wi th F C S e rro rs. I t exclu de s un de rsiz ed fram e s w it h
FCS errors.
Excess Size Discards The total number of received frames discarded becaus e their size exceeded the maximum
allowed Ethernet frame size.
Jabbers The number of frames received that are longer than 1522 bytes and have either an FCS error
or an alig nment er ror.
Source Add ress C han ge The n um ber o f tim es the so urc e a ddr ess of g ood rec eived packets has c hange d fr om the
previous value.
Symbol Errors Incremented each time a valid carrier was present and at least one invalid data symbol was
Table 28-3 CPE Ethernet Link Statistics (continued)
Counter Description