Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 19 Configuring UDLD Configuring UDLD

Configuring UDLD

This se cti on de scri bes how to c onfigure UD LD o n your sw it ch. It con tai ns t his c on figurati on
Default UD LD Configurati on, page 19-3
Enabling UDLD Globally, page 19-4
Enabling UDLD on an Interface, page 19-4
Resetting an Interface Shut Down by UDLD, page 19-5

Default UDLD Configuration

Table 19-1 shows the default UD LD co nfigurati on.
A UDLD-capable interface also cannot detect a unidirectional link if it is connected to a
UDLD-incapable port of another switch.
Table 19-1 Default UDLD Configuration
Feature Default Setting
UDL D glob al en able s tate Glob all y disab led
UDLD per-interface enable state for fiber-optic media Disabled on all Ethernet fiber-optic interfaces
UDLD per-interface enable state for twisted-pair (copper)
media Disabled on a ll Eth erne t 10 /100 a nd 100 0BASE-TX
UDLD a ggressive mode Disabl ed