Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 25 Configuring Network Securi t y w it h ACLs Configuring ACLs
When ma king t he stan dar d an d extend ed ACL, re me mb er t ha t, by de fault , t he end o f t he ACL cont a ins
an implicit deny statement for ev erything if it did not find a match before reaching the end. For standard
ACLs, if you omit the mask from an associated IP host address access list specification, is
assumed to be the mask.
After yo u create an A CL, an y additio ns are placed at th e end of the list . You cann ot selecti vely add A CEs
to a specific ACL. However, you can use no permit and no deny commands to remove ACEs fr om a
named ACL. This example shows how you can delete individua l AC Es from a name d ACL :
Switch(config)# ip access-list extended border-list
Switch(config-ext-nacl)# no permit ip host any
Being ab le to select ivel y remove lines from a na med AC L is one re ason you might use na med ACLs
instead of nu mb er ed ACLs.
After creating an ACL, you must apply it to a line or interface, as described in the Applying ACLs to
Terminal L ines or Physi ca l In terfa ce s section on page 25-20.

Applying Time Ranges to ACLs

You can imple ment exten ded ACLs based on the ti me of da y and wee k by using t h e time-range global
configuration command. First, define the name and times of the day and week of the time range, and then
refer en ce th e t i me r an ge by name i n an ACL to apply r es t rictions to the access list . You can u se the time
range to define when the permit or deny statements in the ACL are in effect. The time-range keyword
and argument are refe renced in the nam ed and numbe red extended ACL task tables i n the Cre ating
Standa rd and Extende d IP ACL s section on page 25-7, and the Cre ating Na med Stan dard and
Exte nd ed ACLs secti on on page 2 5-13.
These ar e some of the many benefits of using time ra nges:
You have more control over permitting or denying a user access to resources, such as an application
(identi fied by an IP addr es s m ask pai r an d a por t numbe r) .
Yo u can co ntrol logg ing m e ssag es. ACL entri es c an l o g tr affic at cert ain t ime s o f th e day, but not
consta ntly. Therefore , you can simpl y deny access witho ut having to analyze ma ny logs generat ed
during peak hours.
Note Th e time range rel ies on the swit ch system c lock. Th eref ore, yo u need a re liable clock sour ce. We
recomm en d th at you use Ne twork Time Protocol ( NTP) to sync hroni ze the swi tch cloc k. For mo re
information, see the Manag ing the System Time and Date section on pa ge 7-34 .
Beginn ing in privile ged EXEC mode, follo w these steps to conf igure a time-range parameter for an A CL:
Step 5 show access-lists [numb er | name] Show the access list configuration.
Step 6 copy running-confi g startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 time-range time-range-name Identify t he tim e-ran ge b y a m eaning ful n ame (fo r e xam ple, workhours),
and ente r time-ra nge co nfiguration mo de. The nam e cannot contai n a
space or quota tion mark a nd must begin with a lett er.