Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
enabling 13-18
default conf igur ati on 11-10
default optional feature configuration 13-14
designat ed po rt, de fine d 11-3
designated swi tch, defi ned 11-3
detectin g indirec t link failu res 13-10
disabling 11-12
displaying sta tus 11-21
extended sy s tem I D
affec ts on ro ot sw itch 11-12
affec ts on the sec ond ary r oot sw itch 11-14
overview 11-4
unexpec ted b ehavio r 11-13
featu res su pport ed 1-4
inferi or B P DU 11-3
interface stat e, blocking t o forwardi ng 13-2
interface states
blocking 11-7
disabled 11-8
forwarding 11-6, 11-7
learning 11-7
listening 11-7
overview 11-5
limitati ons w ith 802. 1Q tru nks 11-8
load sharing
overview 14-21
using pa th cost s 14-23
using port priorities 14-21
loop gu ar d
described 13-13
enabling 13-20
multi cast addres ses, af fec t of 11-8
overview 11-2
path costs 14-23, 14-24
Port Fast
described 13-2
enabling 13-14
port priorities 14-22
preventing root switch selection 13-12
redunda nt c on necti vity 11-8
root g uar d
described 13-12
enabling 13-19
root p ort, de fin ed 11-3
root switch
affects of extended system ID 11-4, 11-12
configuring 11-12
election 11-3
unexpected behavior 11-13
settings in a cascaded stack 11-20
shutdown Port Fast-enable d port 13-3
superior BPDU 11-3
supported num ber of spann ing-tr ee instances 11-2
timers, describe d 11-4
described 13-4
enabling 13-17
stratum, NTP 7-35
summer time 7-46
SunNet M ana ger 1-7
switch clu sterin g techno logy 6-1
See clusters, switch
switched ports 9-1
Switch Mana ger 3-2, 3-34
See als o Devi ce Mana ger
switchport protected command 18-4
switch priority
MSTP 12-19
STP 11-18
switch software releases 7-61
See system message logging
system clock
daylight sav ing time 7-46
manually 7-44
summer time 7-46
time zones 7-45