Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 12 Configuring RSTP and MSTP Configuring RSTP and MSTP Features

Configuring the Maxi mum-Aging Time

Beginning in privileged EX EC mode, fol low these steps to con figure the maxi mum- aging tim e for all
MST inst ance s:
To return the switch to its default setting, use the no spanning-tree mst max-age global configurat ion

Configuring the Maximum-Hop Count

Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, foll ow these s teps to c on figure th e maxi mu m-hop c oun t fo r all
MST inst ance s:
To return the switch to its default sett ing, use the no spanning-tr ee mst max-hops global configuration
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter g lob al c onfigura tion m ode .
Step 2 spanning-t ree mst max-age seconds Confi gure the ma ximum- ag in g tim e for all MST instances. The
maxim um-agi ng time is the num ber of se conds a swi tch waits
without rec eiving spann in g-tr ee co nfigur ation m es sag es be fore
attemp ting a re configur ation.
For seconds, the range is 6 to 40; the default is 20.
Step 3 end Return to pr ivileged EX EC m ode.
Step 4 show spanning-tree mst Verify your entri es.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter g lob al c onfigura tion m ode .
Step 2 spanning-tree mst max-hops hop-count Specif y the numbe r of hops in a region bef ore the BPDU is
discarde d, and the inf orm a tion h eld fo r a por t is age d.
For hop-count, the rang e is 1 to 40; th e default is 20.
Step 3 end Return to pr ivileged EX EC m ode.
Step 4 show spanning-tree mst Verify your entri es.
Step 5 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.