Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapte r 20 Configuri ng CDP
Configuring CDP

Configuring CDP

These sec tions inclu de CDP con figuration info rmation a nd procedu res:
Default CDP Configurat ion, pa ge 20-2
Configuring the CDP Characteristics, page 20-2
Disabling and Enabling CDP, page 20-3
Disabling and Enabl ing CDP on an Inte rface, page 20-4

Default CDP Configuration

Table 20-1 shows the default CDP configuration.

Configuring the CDP Characteristics

Yo u can co nfigure the freq uency of CDP upd ates, t he amount of time to hol d the inform ation before
discar ding it, an d whether or no t to send versio n-2 advertis ements .
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure the CDP timer, holdtime, and
advert isem ent t ype.
Note Step s 2 through 4 are all optio nal and ca n be perfor med in any order.
Table 20-1 Default CDP Configuration
Feature Default Setting
CDP glob al state Enabled
CDP interface state Enabled
CDP time r (packet upda te frequen cy) 60 seconds
CDP hold time (bef ore discard ing) 180 second s
CDP ve rsion -2 ad vertis emen ts Ena bled
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 cdp timer seconds (Opt ional) Set th e transmiss ion frequ ency of CDP updates in sec onds.
The range is from 5 to 254; th e default is 60 secon ds.
Step 3 cdp holdtime seconds (Optional) Specify the amount of time a receiving device should hold the
informa tion sent by your device bef ore discar ding it.
The range is from 10 to 255 seco nds; the de fault is 180 second s.
Step 4 cdp advertise-v2 (Optional) Configure CDP to send version-2 advertisements.
This is the default state.
Step 5 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.