Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 25, Configuring Network Security with ACLs, describes how to configure network security
by using acce ss cont rol list s (ACLs).
Chapter 26, Configuring QoS, describes how to configure quality of service (QoS) on your switch.
With this fe atu re, you can provide prefe renti al treat men t to certa in types tra ffic.
Chapter 27, C onfi gurin g EtherC hannel s, describes how to bundle a set of individual ports into a single
logical link on the interfaces.
Chapter 28, Troubleshooting, describes how to identify and resolve software problems related to the
IOS s oft ware .
Appendix A, Supported MIBs, lists the supported MIBs for this release and how to use FTP to access
the MIB files.


This guide uses these conventions to convey instructions and information:
Command desc ript ions use th ese conventions:
Command s and keywords are in boldface text.
Arguments fo r which you suppl y values are in italic.
Square brackets ([ ]) indicate optional elements.
Braces ({ }) group required choices, and vertical bars ( | ) separate the alternative elements.
Braces and vert ical bars within squa re brack ets ([{ | }]) indica te a re quired choic e within a n optional
Interactive examples use these conventions:
Terminal sessions and system displays are in screen font.
Informa tio n y ou e nter is in boldf ace sc reen f ont.
Nonpri nting ch aract ers, such a s passwords or tabs , are in ang le brac kets (< >).
Notes, cautions, and tips use these conventions and symbols:
Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to materials not contained in
this manual.
Caution Means re ad er be c are ful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment
damage or loss of data.
Tip Means the following will help you solve a problem. The t ips infor mation might not be troubl eshoot ing
or even an ac tio n, but cou ld be use ful info rma ti on.