Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
removi ng source (m onitored ) ports 21-17
specifying mo nitore d ports 21-15
source ports 21-4
transmitted traffic 21-4
VLAN-based 21-6
active topology, determining 12-2
format 12-5
processing 12-6
config urati on guidelin es 12-12
designat ed po rt, de fine d 12-2
designated swi tch, defi ned 12-2
interoperability with 802.1D
described 12-11
restar ting migr ation proc ess 12-22
topolo gy chan ges 12-6
overview 12-2
port roles
described 12-2
synchronized 12-4
proposal -agree ment handsh ake proce ss 12-3
rapid co nverg ence
edge po rts an d Po rt Fa st 12-3
point-to-point links 12-3, 12-22
root po rts 12-3
root po rt, de fine d 12-2
See also MSTP
running c onfi gurat ion, s avin g 4-10


saving ch ange s in CMS 3-33
SC (standby c omma nd switch) 6-12, 6-23
secure addresses
adding 7-59
described 7-59
secure po rts, conf iguring 18-4
secure remote connections 7-33
Secure Shell
security, port 18-4
sequence nu mbers in log me ssages 23-8
sequences 10-4
table of 10-4
sequenc es , LRE
assigning 10-9
specific port
assigning 10-10
server mode , VTP 15-3
servers, BOOTP 1-3
service- pr ovide r ne two rk, M ST P a nd RST P 12-1
set-request o pera tion 24-4
duplex m ode 10-7
speed 10-7
set-top box , television 1-16
setup program, failed command switch replacement 28-9,
severit y levels, defi ning in syste m messages 23-8
show and mor e comman d outpu t, filteri ng 2-10
show cdp traffic command 20-5
show cluster members command 6-25
show conf igura tion co mman d 9-16
show controllers ethernet-controller command 10-5
show controllers lre commands 10-7, 10-9, 10-10
show contro llers lre profile mappi ng 10-9, 10-10, 10-11,
10-13, 10-14
show controllers lre profile mapping command 10-8, 10-9
show interfaces command 9-13, 9-16
show runni ng-conf ig comma nd
displaying A CLs 25-19, 25-20, 25-21
interface description in 9-16
shutdown command on interfaces 9-19
signal to noise ra tio 10-12
Simple Network Management Protocol