Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 9 Configuri ng th e Switch Interfaces Monitoring and Maintaining the Interfaces

Clearing and Resetting Interfaces and Counters

Table 9-3 lists the clear privileged EXEC commands that you can use to clear counters and reset
To clear the interface counters shown by the show interfaces privileged EXEC command, use the clear
counters pri vileged EXEC command. The clear counters com mand clears all current in terface counte rs
from the interfa ce unl ess opt iona l argume nts are specified to clear only a specific interface type from a
specific interface number.
Note Th e clear counters privileged EXEC co mman d does not cl ear count ers retri eved by using Simple
Network Management Protocol (SNMP), but only those seen with the sho w interfaces pri vile ged EXEC
comm an d o utpu t.
This example shows how to clear and reset the counters on Fast Ethernet interface 0/5:
Switch# clear counters fastethernet0/5
Clear "show interface" counters on this interface [confirm] y
*Sep 30 08:42:55: %CLEAR-5-COUNTERS: Clear counter on interface FastEthernet0/5
by vty1 (
Use the c lea r interfa ce or clea r line pr iv ilege d E XEC comm an d to clear an d r es e t an in terf ace or serial
line. Under most circumstances, you do not need to clear the hardware logic on interfaces or serial lines.
This example shows how to clear and rese t Fast Ethernet i nterface 0/5:
Switch# clear interface fastethernet0/5

Shutting Down and Restarting the Interface

Shutting down an interface disables all functions on the specified interface and marks the interface as
unavailable on a ll monito ring com mand displa ys. This infor matio n is communi cated to oth er network
servers through al l dynam ic routin g protoco ls. The inte rface is not me ntioned i n any routing updat es.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to shut down an interface:
Table 9-3 Clear Commands for Interfaces
Command Purpose
clear counters [interface-id] Clear interface counters.
clear interface interface-id Reset the hardware logic on an interface.
clear line [number | console 0 | vty number] Reset th e ha rdware lo gic on a n as yn chron ous se ria l l ine.
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter glob al con figura tion mo de.
Step 2 interface {vlan vlan-id} | {{fastethernet | gigabitethernet |
longreachethernet} interface-id} | {port-channel
Select the interface to be configured.
Step 3 shutdown Shut down an interface.