Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 10 Configuring LRE Configuring LRE Ports
Beginning with the first profile in a sequence, the switch attempts to apply each profile within that
sequence to the L RE interf ace. T he switch conti nues these att empts unti l it c on v e r ges (co n vergenc e time
refers to the time required for the switch to settle on an appropriate profile for the LRE interface). The
link is DOWN until a link is established by one of the profiles in the sequence, after wh ich, it is UP.
For additional information on rate selection, see the Using Rate Selection to Automatically Assign
Profiles section on page 10-1 0.

CPE Et hern et L ink s

The CPE Ethernet link settings define the connection between the CPE Ethernet port and a remote
Ether net device, suc h as a PC.
Note From CMS and the CLI, you can configure and moni tor the Ethernet link on a Cisco 575 LRE CPE and
Cisco 585 LRE CPE. For information about the switch LEDs, see the Catalyst 2950 Series H ardware
Ins ta l la ti o n G uid e.
Keep these co nside ratio ns in m ind wh en you have CPE devices c onn ect ed t o t he L RE po rts:
Use the shutdown in terface con figura tion command to disable the LRE interf ace transmitter on an y
LRE ports th at are not connec ted to a CPE dev ice. This pre ve nts access to the LRE por t and pre vent s
the power emitted from the port from affecting other ports.
You cannot configure the flo w-control setting on the LRE ports. The flow-control setting on the CPE
Ethernet port is automatically disabled in half-duplex mode and is automatically enabled in
full-dupl ex mode.
You can co nnect Cisc o 575 LRE CPEs a nd Cisco 585 LRE CPEs to th e same LRE sw itch.
You can hot-swap the CPE devices without powering down the switch or disrupting the other switch
Use the show co ntrollers ether net-contr oller pr ivi leged E XEC command to display th e internal switch
statistics, the statistics collected by the LRE switch interface, and the statistics collected b y the CPE LRE
interface. For information about this command, refer to the switch command reference.

Configuring LRE Ports

These sections describe configuration guideline s and how to assign a profile to all or to individual LRE
ports. Th ese se c tions co ntai n more in for ma tion a bo ut L RE li nks, p ort s, a nd pr ofiles:
Env ironm e ntal G uide lines for LR E L inks, p age 10-6
Guidelines for Using LRE Profiles, page 10-7
CPE Ethernet Link Guidelines, page 10-7
Assigning a G lobal Profile to Al l L RE Por ts, pa ge 10-8
Assigning a Pr ofile to a Spec ific LRE Port , pa ge 10 -9
Using Rate Selection t o Automat ically Assign Profiles, page 10-1 0
LRE Link Persi ste nc e, pa ge 10- 14
LRE Link M onito r, pag e 10-14