Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 U sing t he Comman d-Line Inte rface
Specifying Ports in Interface Configuration Mode

Specifying Ports in Interfac e Configu ration Mode

To configure a port, you ne ed to spec ify the int erface type, sl ot, and switc h-por t number with the
interface configurati on comm a nd. For exampl e, to con figure po rt 4 o n a sw itc h, yo u ente r:
switch(config)#interface fa 0/4
To configure port 4 on a 10/ 100 modul e in the first modul e slot on the switc h, you ente r:
switch(config)#interface fa 1/ 4
Interfa ce t y peEa ch switch in the Catalyst 295 0 and Catalyst 3550 platfor m supports di fferent
types of interfaces. To display a complete list of the interface types supported on your switch, enter
the interface ? global co nfigu ratio n comma nd. This e xampl e shows what the interface ? command
displays on a Catalyst 2950 LRE switch:
lreswitch(config)#interface ?
Async Async interface
BVI Bridge-Group Virtual Interface
Dialer Dialer interface
GE-WAN GigabitEthernetWAN IEEE 802.3z
GigabitEthernet GigabitEthernet IEEE 802.3z
Group-Async Async Group interface
Lex Lex interface
LongReachEthernet Long Reach Ethernet
Loopback Loopback interface
Multilink Multilink-group interface
Null Null interface
Port-channel Ethernet Channel of interfaces
Transparent Transparent interface
Tunnel Tunnel interface
Virtual-Template Virtual Template interface
Virtual-TokenRing Virtual TokenRing
Vlan Catalyst Vlans
fcpa Fiber Channel
range interface range command
Note The multilink and virtual-TokenRing interface types are not supported on the Catalyst 2950 LRE
Slot numb er The slot number on the switch. On the modular Catalyst 2900 XL switches, the slot
number is 1 or 2. O n no n-modu lar Cat alyst 29 50 LRE a nd Ca ta lyst 35 00 XL sw itches , t he sl ot
number i s 0.
command ? List the associated keywords for a command.
For example:
Switch> show ?
command keyword ?List the asso ciat ed argumen ts for a keyword.
For example:
Switch(config)# cdp holdtime ?
<10-255> Length of time (in sec) that receiver must keep this packet
Table 2-2 Help Summary (continued)
Command Purpose