Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 17 Configuring IGMP Snooping and M V R Configuring IGMP Snooping
Note You should on ly u se t he I mm edia te- Leave proc essin g feat ure on V LAN s wher e a si ng le h ost i s
connect ed to each port. If Im mediate L eav e is enab led in VLANs where more th an one host is connected
to a port, some h osts m ight be ina dverte ntly dro ppe d. Im me dia te Leave is supp ort ed with only IG MP
version 2 hosts.

Configuring IGMP Snooping

IGMP snoopi ng allows switches to examin e IGM P packets and make forwar ding dec isions bas ed on
their content.
These sec tions descr ibe how to configure IGMP snoopi ng:
Default IGM P Sn oop ing C onfigura tion, pa ge 17 -5
Enab ling o r Disa bling IG MP Snoop in g, pa ge 1 7-5
Setting the Snoopin g Me thod, page 17 -6
Configuring a Multicast Router Port, page 17-7
Configuring a Host St atic all y to Jo in a G r oup, p ag e 17 -8
Enab ling IGMP Im media te-Leave Processing, page 17-9
Disabling IP Multicast-Source-Only Learning, page 17-9

Default IGMP Snooping Configuration

Table 17-3 shows the de fault I GMP snoo ping c onfiguration .

Enabling or Disa bling IGM P Sn oopin g

By default, IGM P snoopin g is globall y enab led on the swit ch. When glob ally en abled or disabled, i t is
also enabled or disabled in all existing VLAN interfaces. IGMP snooping is by default enabled on all
VLANs , but can be enab led and disab led on a per-VLAN basis.
Global IGMP snooping overrides the VLAN IGMP snooping. If global snooping is disabled, you cannot
enab le VLAN snoopi ng. If global sno oping is enabl ed, you ca n enab le or disabl e VLAN snoop ing.
Table 17-3 Default IGMP Snooping Configuration
Feature Default Setting
IGMP sno oping Enabled globally and per VLAN
Multicast routers None config ured
Multicast router learning (sn ooping) method PIM-DVMRP
IGMP sno oping Immediat e Leave Disab led
Static gro ups None co nfigured
IP multicast-source-only learning Enabled