Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 17 Co nfiguring IGMP S noo ping and M VR
Configuring IGMP Filtering
To delete a profile, use the no ip igmp profile profile number gl obal co nfigurati on comm and.
To delete an IP multicast address or range of IP multicast addresses, use the no range ip multicast
address IG MP profile configurat ion com mand.
This e xample show s how to crea te IGMP prof ile 4 allo wing access to the single I P multicast address and
how to verify the configuration. If the action was to deny (the default), it would not appear in the show
ip igmp profile output display.
Switch(config)# ip igmp profile 4
Switch(config-igmp-profile)# permit
Switch(config-igmp-profile)# range
Switch(config-igmp-profile)# end
Switch# show ip igmp profile 4
IGMP Profile 4

Applying IGMP P rofil es

To control access as defined in an IGMP profile, use the ip igmp filter inter face con figura tion command
to apply the profile to the appropriate interfaces. You can apply IGMP profiles to Layer 2 ports only.
You cannot apply profiles to ports that belong to an EtherChannel port group. You can apply a profile to
multiple interfaces, but each interface can only have one profile applied to it.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to apply an IGMP profile to a switch port:
To remove a profile from an interface, use the no ip igmp filter profile number interface configuration
This exam ple sh ows how to app ly I GMP pr ofile 4 to an int erfac e a nd verify the co nfigura tion.
Switch(config)# interface fastethernet0/12
Switch(config-if)# ip igmp filter 4
Switch(config-if)# end
Switch# show running-config interface fastethernet0/12
Building configuration...
Step 6 show ip igmp profile profile numbe r Verify the profile configuration.
Step 7 copy running-config startup-config (Optiona l) Save your entries in the co nfigurati on file.
Command Purpose
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 interface interface-id Enter interface configuration mode, and enter the physical interface to
configure, fo r exampl e fastethernet0/3. The interface must be a Layer
2 port that doe s not belong t o an EtherC hannel port group.
Step 3 ip igmp filter profile number Apply the specified IGMP profile to the interface. The profile number
can be from 1 to 4294967295 .
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 show running configuration interface
interface-id Verify the configuration.
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Optiona l) Save your entries in the co nfigurati on file.