Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 18 Configuring Port -Based Traffic Control Configuring Port Security

Understanding Port Security

This sect ion conta ins infor mation ab out th ese topi cs:
Secure MAC Addresses, page 18-5
Securi ty Violations, pa ge 1 8-6

Secure MAC Addresses

A secure port can have from 1 to 132 associ ated sec ure addre sses. Afte r you have set the ma ximum
number of secure MAC addresses on a port, the secure addresses are included in an address table in one
of the se ways:
You can co nfigure all sec ure MAC addresses by using the switchport port-security mac-address
mac-address interface configuration command.
You can allow the port to dynamically configure secure MAC addresses with the MAC addresses of
connec ted devices.
You can co nfigure a num ber of addr esses an d allow the rest to be dy namica lly configure d.
Once the maximum number of secure MAC addresses is configured, they are stored in an address table.
Setting a m aximu m num ber o f ad dresse s to one a nd co n figuring th e M AC address of an attached dev ic e
ensures th at the device has the full ban dwidt h of the port.
The switch supports these types of secure MAC addresses:
Stati c se cure M AC addres ses T hes e a re man ua lly c onfigured by us in g th e switchport
port-security mac-address mac-address interface configuration command, stored in the address
table, and ad ded to the swit ch r unn ing co nfigurat ion.
Dynamic secure MAC addressesThese are dynamically configured, stored only in the address
table, and removed when the switch restarts.
Sticky secure MAC addressesTh ese ar e dyn ami cal l y co nfigure d, st or ed in t he a ddr es s t a ble, a nd
added t o the run ning co nfigurat ion. If t hes e a ddr esses a re saved in t he c onfigurat ion file, when the
switch restarts, the interface does not need to dynamically reconfigure them.
You ca n configure an int erface to c onvert the dynamic MAC addresses to sticky secure MAC addresses
and to a dd them to the running c onfiguration by enablin g sticky learning. To enable stick y learning, enter
the switchport port-security mac-address sticky i nter face configur ation c om mand. W he n y ou en t er
this command, the interface converts all the dynamic secure MAC addresses, including those that were
dynamically lea rned b efor e sticky learning was enabled , to stic k y secure MAC addresses. The inter fa ce
adds al l the sticky secu re MAC a ddresses to the running co nfiguration .
The sticky secure MAC addres ses do not automatically becom e part of the configuration file, which is
the startu p co nf iguration used each time the switch r estarts. If you sa ve the stick y sec ure MAC ad dresses
in the con fig uration fi le, whe n the swit ch restart s, the inter fa ce does not need to relear n these ad dresse s.
If you do not save the sticky secure addresses, they are lost.