Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Co n figuring VLANs
Configur ing Extended-Range VLANs

Configuring Ex tended-Rang e VLANs

When the switch is in VTP transparent mode (VT P disabled) and the EI is installed) , you can create
extended -rang e VLA Ns ( in the ra nge 1006 t o 4094). E xte nded- ra nge V LA Ns ena ble se rvic e pr oviders
to extend their infras tructur e to a greate r number of c ustomer s. The extende d-range VLAN IDs are
allowed for any sw itchpo rt c om mand s t hat al low VLAN ID s. You always use config-v lan m ode
(accessed by entering the vlan vlan-id globa l c onfigurat ion co mma nd) to c onfigure extend ed -rang e
VLANs . Th e extend ed ra nge i s n ot su ppor ted i n V LAN c onfigura tio n mo de (a cce ssed by en te ring the
vlan database p rivileged EXE C c om man d).
Extend ed-r ange VLAN configurati ons are not st ored in the V LAN data base, but because VTP mode is
transparent, they are stored in the switch running configuration file, and you can save the configuration
in th e st ar tup co nfigurat ion file by us in g th e copy running-config startup-config privileged EXEC
Note Alth ough the switc h supp ort s 409 4 V LAN ID s when the EI is insta lled , see the Supported VLANs
section on page 14-2 f or t he a ctu al n um be r o f VLA Ns su ppor t ed.
This section includes this information about extended-range VLANs:
Default VLA N Configurati on, page 14-12
Extend ed-Rang e VLAN Configuration Guidel ines, pa ge 14-12
Creating an Extended-Range VLAN, page 14-13
Displaying VLANs, page 14-14

Default VLAN Configuration

See Table 1 4-2 on page 14- 8 for the default configuration for Ethernet VLANs. You can change only the
MTU size on extended-range VLANs; all other characteristics must remain at the default state.

Extended-Range VLAN Configuration Guidelines

Follow these guidelines when creating extended-range VLANs:
To add an extended-range VLAN, you must use the vlan vlan-id global configuration command and
access config- vlan m ode. You ca nn ot a dd extend ed-ra ng e VLA Ns i n VLA N c on figurat ion mod e
(accessed by entering the vlan database privileged EXEC command).
VLAN IDs in the extended range are not saved in the VLAN database and are not recognized by
You ca nnot incl ude extended- range VL ANs in the pr uning elig ible range .
The switch must be in VTP transparent mode when you create extended-range VLANs. If VTP mode
is server or client , an error message is gene rated , and the extende d-rang e VLAN is rejected .
You ca n set the V TP mode to tr anspare nt in glo bal configur ation mode or in VLAN configurat ion
mode. See the Disabling VTP (VTP Transparent Mode) se ction on page 1 5-12. You sho uld s ave
this configuration to the startup configuration so that the switch will boot up in VTP transparent
mode. Otherwise, you will lose extended-range VLAN configuration if the switch resets.
VLANs in the extended range are not supported by VQP. They cannot be configured by VMPS.