Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 22 Co n figuring RM ON
Configuring RMON
To disable an alarm, use the no rmon alarm number global configuration comma nd on each alarm you
configured . You cannot disa ble a t on ce a ll the al arms t hat you c on figured. To di sabl e a n event, use t h e
no rmon event number global configuration command. To learn more about alarms and e vents and how
they interact with each other, refer to RFC 1757.
You can set an alar m on any MIB obje ct. The fol lowing example c onfigures RMO N alar m number 10
by using the rmon alarm command. The alarm monitors the MIB variable ifEntry.20.1 once every 20
seconds until the alarm is disabled and checks the change in the v ariables rise or fall. If the ifEntry.20.1
value shows a MIB count er incre ase of 15 or more , such as from 10 0000 to 100 015, the a larm is
trigger ed. T he al arm i n tu rn trig ger s event nu mber 1, whi ch is configur ed w it h th e rm on event
comm and. Possibl e events ca n includ e a log ent ry or an SNMP tr ap. If the ifEntry.20.1 value changes
by 0, the alar m is reset and c an be trigge red again.
Switch(config)# rmon alarm 10 ifEntry.20.1 20 delta rising-threshold 15 1
falling-threshold 0 owner jjohnson
The following example creates RMON event number 1 by using the rmo n event comm and . The event
is defined as High ifOutErrors and generates a log entry when the event is triggered by the alarm. The
user jjones owns the ro w tha t is created in the ev ent tab le b y this c ommand. Th is exa mple also generates
an SNMP trap when the event is triggered.
Switch(config)# rmon event 1 log trap eventtrap description "High ifOutErrors" owner
Step 3 rmon event number [description string] [log] [owner string]
[trap community] Add an event in the RMON event table that is
associated with an RMON event number.
For number, assign an ev ent num ber. The range
is 1 to 65535.
(Optiona l) For description string, specify a
descr iptio n of the event.
(Optiona l) Us e the log keyword to genera te an
RMON log entry when the event is triggered.
(Optional) For owner string, specify the o wner
of this event.
(Optiona l) For community, enter t he SN MP
community string used for this trap.
Step 4 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 5 show running-config Verify your e ntrie s.
Step 6 copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration
Command Purpose