Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 24 Configuring SNMP Configuring SNMP
Some noti fication type s can not be c ontr olled wi th the sn mp-se rver ena ble globa l configurati on
comm and, for example, tty and udp-port. The s e no ti fication ty pes ar e a lw ay s en ab led . You can us e th e
snmp-server host global configura tion com mand to a spe cific host to rece ive the notificati on types
listed in Table 24-4.
Beginn ing in pri vil eg ed EXEC mode , follo w these steps to conf i gure the switc h to send traps or in forms
to a host:
hsrp Generates a trap for Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP) changes.
mac-notification Generates a trap for MAC address notifications.
rtr Generat es a trap for the SNMP Respons e Time Reporte r (RTR).
snmp Generates a trap for SNMP-type notifications.
syslog Generates a trap for SNMP syslog notifications.
tty Sends Cisco enterprise-specific notifications when a Transmission Control
Protocol (T CP) conne ction close s.
udp-port Sends not ification of th e Us er Data gr am Prot ocol (U DP) p ort num ber of the
vlan-membership Generates a trap for SNMP VLAN membership changes.
vtp Generates a trap for VL AN Trunking Proto col (VTP ) changes.
Table 24-4 S witch Notifica tion Typ es (con tinue d)
Notification Type
Keyword Description
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 snmp-server engineID remote
ip-address engineid-string Specify the engine ID for the remote h ost.
Step 3 snmp-server user username
groupn ame remote host [udp-port
port] {v1 | v2c | v3 [auth {md5 | sha}
auth-password]} [encrypted] [access
Conf igure an SNMP user to be associated with the remote host created in
Ste p 2.
Note You cannot co nfigure a remo te user for an ad dress witho ut first
configurin g the engi ne ID for the re mote host . If you try to
configure t he u ser be fo re c onfigu ring the re mo te en gin e ID, you
receive an error me ssa ge, and th e comm and is not executed.
Step 4 snmp-serve r gro up [groupnam e {v1 |
v2c | v3 [auth | noauth | priv]}] [ read
readview] [write writeview] [notify
notifyview] [access access-list]
Configure an SN MP g rou p.