Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide

Configuring LRE

This chapter describes how to configure the Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) features on your switch. This
chapter consists of these sections:
Ports on the 2950 L RE, page 10- 1
LRE Link s and LRE Profiles , page 10-2
Configuring LRE Ports, page 10-5
Upgrad ing LRE Swit ch Firmware, pag e 10-15
Note For complete syntax and usage information for the commands used in this chapter, refer to the switch
command reference for this release and the online Cisco I OS I nte rface Com mand Refe rence for
Release 12.1.

Ports on the 2950 LRE

The Catalyst 2950 LRE switches use Long-Reach Ethernet (LRE) technology to transfer data, voice, and
video tra ffic over categorize d and nonca tegorized uns hielde d twiste d-pa ir cable (Cat egory 1, 2, and 3
structur ed and unst ruc tu red ca ble such a s exi stin g tele phon e lines ).
Connecti ng a sw it ch L RE po rt to a rem ot e Et her net device (suc h as a PC) req uire s t wo type s of
connec tio ns:
LRE linkThis is the connection between the switch LRE port and the RJ-11 wall port on an LRE
custome r premis es equipm ent (CPE) device such as the Cisco 575 LRE CPE or Cisco 585 LRE
CPE. This connection can be through categorized or noncategorized unshielded twisted-pair cable
and can extend t o distan ces of up to 4921 fee t (1500 m).
CPE Ethernet linkThis is the connection between the CPE Ethernet port and an Ethernet device,
such as a PC. This con nection is through st andard Ca tegory 5 cabling an d can extend to distanc es
of up t o 328 feet ( 100 m).
The ac tual l ine speed in either dir ection be tween a swi tch L RE p ort and re mote Ether net d e vic e dep ends
on the LRE link speed and the CPE Ethernet link speed. For example, if a PC Ethernet port is configured
to 100 Mbps and the LRE port is configured with an upstream link speed of 5.69 Mbps, the actual upload
rate pr ovided t o t he PC use r is 5 .69 Mbp s, not 100 M bps.
For LRE troubleshooting information, see the Troubleshoo tin g LR E Po rt C onfigurat ion sec tion on
page 28-12. Addi tiona l LRE det ails are in the sw itch co mm and ref erenc e.