Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 28 Troubleshooting
LRE Statistics
Table 28-1 Ethernet Port Statistics
Statistic Type Explanation
Unicast Frames The total number of well-formed unicast frames sent by a port. It excludes frames sent with
errors or with multicast or broadcast destination addresses.
Multicast Frames The total number o f well-formed multicast frames sent by a port. It excludes frame s sent with
error s or with unicast or br oadcast destination a ddresses.
Broadcast Frames The total nu mber of well-for med broadcast frames sen t by a port. It excludes frames sent with
error s or with unicast or multicast destinat ion addres ses.
Too old The total number of tran smit frames discarded because they have exceeded their age limit.
Deferred A count of f rames for which the firs t transmission at tempt on a partic ular interf ace is delay ed
because the medium is busy.
The count represented by an instance of this object does not include frames involved in
Total Collision Frames The total number of frames sent without error after having 1 to 15 collisions. It includes
frames of all destination address types and excludes frames discarded because of insuff icient
resources or late collisions.
Excessive Collision Frames The total number of frames that failed to be sent after 16 collisions. It includes frames of all
destinat ion addre ss types.
Late Collision Frames The total n umber of frames d iscarded because o f late collisions detect ed during transm ission.
It includes all transmit frames that had a collision after the transmission of the frame's 64th
byte. The pre am ble a nd SFD a re no t i ncl uded in t he fra me' s byte count .
VLAN disc ar d fra me s Coun ts t he nu mb er of t r ans mit f ra mes t hat we re t agge d with a n 802.1q ta g a nd di sca rded
during transmission.
Control frames Incremented each time a pause control frame is transmitted.
Ta gged fr am es Coun ts t he nu mb er of tr ans mit f rame s t hat we re t agge d with a n 802.1q t ag.
Aborted frames Incremented for each packet for which transmission was started but aborted due to various
transmission erro rs such as excessive collisions.
Pause frames Incremented for each MAC pause control frame transmitted.
Single deferred frames I ncremented for each frame which was deferred on its first transmission attempt but did
experienc e a ny subse qu ent co l lision s d uring t ransm issi on.
Multiple deferred frames Incremented for each fr am e that was deferre d mul tiple tim es dur in g its tran smissi on atte mpt
due to collisions.
Single collisions Incremented for each frame that experienced ex actly one collision during its transmission
2-15 collisions Incremented for each frame that experienced bet ween 2 and 1 5 incl usive collisio ns dur ing its
transmission attempt.
Unicast Frames The total number of well-formed unicast frames received by a port. It excludes frames
received with errors, with multicast or broadcast destination addresses, or with oversized or
undersi zed frame s. Also exclude d are fram es discar ded or with out a destin ation .