Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 8 Configuring 802.1X Port-Based Authentication
Configuring 802. 1X Authe n tication

Default 802.1X Configuration

Table 8-1 shows the defa ult 80 2.1 X c onfigurati on .
Table 8-1 Default 802.1X Configuration
Feature Default Setting
Auth entic ation, au thor izatio n, and
accounting (AAA) Disabled.
RADIUS server
IP address
UDP auth entic ati on po rt
None specified.
None specified.
Per-interface 802.1X enable state Disabled (force-authorized).
The port sends an d rece ives normal traffic wit hout
802.1X-b ased authe nticat ion of the client .
Periodic re-authentication Disabled.
Numbe r of seconds be twee n
re-authentication attempts 3600 sec onds.
Quiet period 60 seconds (number of seconds that the switch remains in
the quiet stat e follo wing a failed authentication exchange
with the client).
Retran smission ti me 30 seconds (nu mber of seco nds that the switch should
wait for a response to an EAP request/identity frame
from the c lient bef ore resen ding the reque st).
Maximum retransmission number 2 times (number of times that the switch will send an
EAP-request/identity frame before restarting the
authentication process).
Multiple host support Disabled.
Client tim eo ut p erio d 30 secon ds ( whe n rela ying a req ues t fr om t he
authent ication server to the client, th e amount of time th e
switch waits for a response before resending the request
to the client.
Auth entic atio n se rver time out pe riod 30 secon ds ( when r elayi ng a re spo nse fr om the cl ient to
the authentication server, the amount of time the switch
waits for a repl y be fo re r ese ndin g the re sponse to t he
server. This set ti ng is no t c onfigurab l e.)