Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting S tar ted with CMS Saving Your Configuration

Saving Your Co nfigurat ion

Note Th e Save Configuration opt ion is not available if your swit ch access level is read-only. For more
inform ation a bout the rea d-only ac cess mode , see the Access Modes in CM S se ctio n o n pag e 3-31.
Tip A s you make clust er configura tion chan ges (except for chan ges to the Topology vi ew and in the
Prefer ences windo w ), ma ke su re th at you per iodically sa v e the configuration f rom th e comm and switc h.
The co nfigur atio n i s saved on the com ma nd and me mb er sw it ches.
The front-panel images and CMS windows always display the running configuration of the switch.
When you make a configuration change to a switch or switch cluster, the change becomes part of the
running configuration. The change does not automatica lly beco me part of the conf ig uration f i le in Flash
memory, which is the startup configuration used ea ch time the switch resta rts. If you do not save your
changes to Flash memory, they are lost when the switch restarts.
Note Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches automatically save configuration changes to Flash memory as
they occur.
To save all configurat ion chan ges, you must select Administration > Save Configuration.For CMS
procedu res for saving y our swi tch configur ation , refe r to the onlin e h elp.

Restoring Your Configuration

After y ou save a switch c onfiguratio n, you ca n resto re the con figuration to one or more switche s f or
these re asons :
You ma de an in corre c t c hange to t he c ur rent runn in g configura ti on a nd want to r elo ad a saved
You need to reload a switch after a switch failure or power failure.
You want to c opy the configurat ion of a switc h to oth er swit ches.
For CMS procedure s for resto ring a switch c onfiguration , refer to the online help.

CMS Preferences

When you exit from CMS, your CMS preferences are saved to your PC in a file called .cms_properties.
You can co py this file to other PC s. The file is stored in a default configura tion direc tory, suc h as
C:\Documents and Settings\username. If you cannot locate the CMS preferences file, select
Start > Search > For Files or Folders..., and search for .cms_pr oper ties.
Note In previous CM S versions, the pr efer ences we re saved in Flash memory when you exited from CM S.