Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS
Verifying Yo ur Changes
These switc hes do n ot su ppo rt r ead- only mo de on CMS:
Catalyst 1900 and Cataly st 2820
Catalyst 2900 XL switches with 4-MB CPU DRAM
In rea d-o nly mod e, t hes e sw itc hes a ppea r as unavailable devices an d ca nno t be con figured fro m

HTTP Access to CMS

CMS uses H ypert ext Transfer Pro toc ol ( HTTP) , which is an i n-ba nd form of c ommuni ca tio n wit h the
switch thro ugh any one of its Ethe rnet por ts and tha t allows switch mana gement fro m a stan dard web
browser. The defau lt HTT P po rt is 80.
If you chang e the HTTP por t, you must inc lude the new port number whe n you enter the IP add ress in
the bro wser Location or Address f iel d (f or e xampl e, htt p:/ /10.1. 126. 45:1 84 where 184 is th e ne w HTTP
port nu mb er ).
Do not dis able o r ot herw ise misc on figure the port thro ugh whi ch your m anag eme nt st atio n is
communi cat ing wi th t h e sw itch . You migh t wa nt to w rite down the p ort num ber to whi ch you are
connec ted. C hange s to the swi tch I P inf orm ati on shoul d be d one wit h care .
For information about connecting to a switch port, refer to the switch hardware installation guide.

Verifying Your Changes

CMS provides notification cues to help you track and confirm the changes you make.

Change Notification

A green bo rder a rou nd a field or tab le ce l l mean s tha t you ma de an unsaved change to the field or tabl e
cell. Pre vious information in that field or table cell is displayed in the window status bar . When you save
the changes or if you cancel the change, the green border disappears.

Error Checking

A red borde r around a field me ans that you enter ed invalid data in the field. An erro r message al so
displays in the window status bar . When you enter valid data in the field, a green border replaces the red
border until you either save or cancel the change.
If there is an error in commu nicating with the switch or if yo u make an err or while perform ing an action ,
a message notifies you about th e error.