Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS
Accessing CMS


These are the most common buttons that you use to change the information in a CMS window:
OKSave any ch anges and clos e th e wi nd ow. If yo u mad e no ch an ges, the wind ow clo s es . I f CMS
detects errors in your entry, the window remains open. For more information about error detection,
see th e Error Ch ec king sect ion on page 3-32.
ApplySave any changes made in the window and leave the window open. If you made no changes,
the Apply button is d isable d.
RefreshUpdate the CMS window with the latest status of the device. Unsaved changes are lost.
CancelDo not save any changes ma de in the window and clo se the wi ndow.
HelpDisplay proce dures on performing tasks from th e window.
ModifyDisplay the sec onda ry w ind ow for ch an ging info rm ati on on t he se le cte d i te m or i tem s.
You usually select an item from a list or table and click Modify.

Accessing CMS

This section assumes the following:
You know the IP address and password of the command switch or a specific switch. This information
is either:
Assigned to the switch by following the setup pro gram, as descr ibed in the release note s.
Changed on the switch by following the information in the Assigning Switch Information
section on page 4-2 and Prev enting Unau thorized Acc ess to Your Switch section on page 7-1.
Consider a tions for a ssigning I P a ddr esses an d p asswords to a co mman d s wit ch a nd cl uster
members are described in the IP Addresses section on page 6-15 and the Passwords sectio n
on page 6-16.
You know your access privilege level to the switch.
You ha ve r eferred to the rele ase not es for sy stem requ irements and ha ve f ollo wed the p roced ures for
installing the required Java plug-ins and configuring your browser.
Caution Copies of the CMS pages you display are sa ved in your bro wser memory cach e until you exit t he browser
session. A password is not required to redisplay these pages, including the Cisco System s Access page .
You can acces s the CLI b y clicking Monitor t he router - HTML access t o the command line int erface
from a c ac hed copy of the Cisco Systems Access pa ge. To pr event unauthorized acc ess to CMS and the
CLI, exit your browser to end the browser sessi on.
Note If you have configured the Te rmi nal Acce ss Co ntro ller Acce ss Co ntro l Syste m Plus ( TACACS+) o r
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) feature on the switch, you can still access the
switch through CMS. For information about how inconsistent authentication configurations in switch
clusters can affect access through CMS, see the TACACS+ and RADIUS sectio n on page 6-17.