Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Appendix B Working with the IOS File S ys tem, Configurat ion Files, and Soft w are Images Working with Software Images
The download a lgor ithm verifies tha t t he i m age i s a pp ropri ate f or the swi tch m odel and t hat enou gh
DRAM is present, or it aborts the process and reports an error. If you specify the /overwrite option, the
do wnload al gorithm remo v es the ex isting ima ge on the Flash de vice, whether or not it is the same as the
new one, downloads the new image, and then reloads the software.
Note If the Flash device has suf ficient space to hold two images and you want to overwrite one of these images
with the same version, you must specify the /overwrite option.
If you specify the /leave-old-sw, the existing files are not removed. If there is not enough space to install
the new image an d keep the r unn ing im ag e, the download pr oc ess st ops, a nd an er ror m essage is
Step 7 archive download-sw /overwrite /reload
Download the image file from the FTP server to the switch,
and overwr ite th e cu rrent ima ge .
The /overwrite option overwrites the software image in
Flash with the downloaded image.
The /reload option reloads the system after downloading
the image unless the configuration has been changed and
not been saved.
For //username[:password], specify the username and
passw ord; thes e must be as sociated wi th an accou nt on the
FTP server. For more information, see the Preparing to
Download or Upload an Image File By Using FTP
section on pa ge B-25.
For @location, specify the IP address of the FTP server.
For directory/image-name.tar, specify the dire ctory
(optio nal) and th e image to download. Di rector y and
imag e names are ca se sens itive.
Step 8 archive download-sw /leave-old-sw /reload
Download the image file from the FTP server to the switch,
and keep the current image.
The /leave-old-sw opt ion keeps the ol d software version
after a download.
The /reload option reloads the system after downloading
the image unless the configuration has been changed and
not been saved.
For //username[:password], specify the username and
password. These must be associated with an account on
the FTP server. For more information, see the Prepar in g
to Download or Upload an Image File By Using FTP
section on pa ge B-25.
For @location, specify the IP address of the FTP server.
For directory/image-name.tar, specify the dire ctory
(optio nal) and th e image to download. Di rector y and
imag e names are ca se sens itive.
Command Purpose