Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 7 Adminis tering the Switch Controlling Switch Access with TACACS+
Beginning i n privileged E XEC mo de, foll ow these s teps to c on figure lo gi n au th entic a tion :
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure terminal Enter globa l configurati on mode.
Step 2 aaa new-model Enable AAA.
Step 3 aaa authent ication logi n {default |
list-name} method1 [method2...]Create a login au then ticatio n method list .
To create a default list that is used when a named list is not specified
in t he lo gin aut hent ica tion co mmand, use the default keyword
followed by t he m eth ods t ha t a re to be u sed in def aul t situ ati ons . Th e
default method list is automatically applied to all interfaces.
For list-name, specify a character string to name the list you are
crea tin g .
For method1..., specify the actual method the authentication
algorithm tries. The additional methods of authentication are used
only if the previous method returns an error, not if it fails.
Select one of these me thods :
enableUse th e enable pas swor d fo r aut henticat ion . Befo re y ou can
use this auth entica tion meth od, you must define an enable pa ssword
by using the enable password global configurat ion comm and.
group tacacs+Uses TACACS+ authentication. Before you can use
this authentication method, you must configure the TACA CS+ server .
For more info rmat ion, se e th e Identifying the TACACS+ Server
Host and Setting the Authentication Key section on page 7-13.
lineUse the line password for authentication. Before you can use
this authentication method, you must define a line password. Use the
password password line config uration command.
localUse the local username database for authentication. You must
enter username information in the database. Use the username
password global con figuration co mmand .
local-caseUse a case-sensitive local username database for
authenti ca tion. You must enter u sernam e inf orm ation in the datab ase
by using the username name password gl obal co nfigurati on
noneDo no t use any authentica tion for logi n.
Step 4 line [console | tty | vty] line-number
[ending-line-number]Enter line configuration mode, and configure the lines to which you want
to apply the authentication list.
Step 5 login aut hent ica tion {default |
list-name}Apply the authentication list to a line or set of lines.
If you speci fy default, use the default list created with the aaa
authenti catio n login co mman d.
For list-name, specify the list created with the aaa authenticati on
login command.
Step 6 end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7 show running-config Verify yo ur en trie s.
Step 8 copy running-config startup-config (Optiona l) Save your entries in the co nfigurati on file.