Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS
Using Different Versions of CMS

Using Different Versions of CMS

When managing switch clu s ters through CMS, remember t hat cluster s can have a mix of switch models
using different IOS releases and that CMS i n earl ier IOS releases and on dif ferent switch plat forms might
look and function differently from CMS in this IOS release.
When you select Device > Device Manage r f or a c lus ter mem be r, a new browser session is la unch ed ,
and the CMS version for that switch is displayed.
Here are exam ples of how CMS can differ betw een IOS rele ases and swit ch platf orms:
On Catalyst switc hes runni ng Rel ease 1 2.0 (5 )WC2 or e arlie r or Rele ase 12. 1( 6)EA 1 or ear lier, the
CMS versions in those software releases might appear similar but are not the same as this release.
For example, the Topology view in this release is not the same as the Topology view or Cluster V ie w
in those earlier software releases.
CMS on the Catalyst 1900 and Catalyst 2820 switches is referred to as Switch Manager. Clus ter
management options are not available on these switches. This is the earliest version of CMS.
Refer to the docume ntation specific to the switch a nd its IOS release f or descrip tions of the CMS version
you are us ing.

Where to Go Next

Before configuring the switch, refer to these places for start-up information:
Switch release notes on Cisco.com:
CMS so ftwar e re qu irem e nts
Procedur es for run ning the set up program
Procedur es for browser configurat ion
Procedur es fo r ac cessi ng CM S
Chapter 4, Assigning the Swi tch I P Add ress a nd D efault G ateway
Chapter 7, Administering the Switch
The rest of this guide provides information about and CLI procedures for the software features supported
in this release. For CMS procedures and window descriptions, refer to the online help.