Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
ETSI 1-2
European Telecommunication Standards Institute
even ts , RMON 22-3
convent ion s for xxviii
network c onfigurat ion 1-8
Expand Cl uster view 3-11
expert m ode 3-25
extend ed-r ange V LAN s
config urati on guidelin es 14-12
configuring 14-12
creating 14-12, 14-13
defined 14-1
extend ed s y st em ID
MSTP 12-14
STP 11-4, 11-12
Extensib le Authen ticat ion Protocol over LAN 8-1


fallback VLAN name 14-26
fan fault indication 3-6
Fast Uplink Tr ansition Protocol 13-6
featu res, IO S 1-1
fiber- optic, de tecting uni direc tional links 19-1
copying B-5
deleting B-5
displaying t he contents of B-8
creating B-6
displaying t he contents of B-7
extracting B-7
image file format B-21
files, crashinfo
description 28-15
displaying t he contents of 28-16
location 28-15
file system
displaying a vai lable file syst em s B-2
displaying file information B-3
local file system names B-1
network file sy stem name s B-5
setting the default B-3
filtering show and more command output 2-10
filters, IP
See ACLs, IP
Flash devi ce , num be r of B-1
flow-based packet classification 1-6
flow co ntrol 9-14
forwar d-del ay time
MSTP 12-20
STP 11-6, 11-19
See broad cast storm co ntro l
Front Panel images, CMS 3-7
Front Panel view 3-2
cluster tree 3-6
command switch 3-4, 3-5
described 3-4
pop-up m en us 3-21
port ic ons 3-7
port LED s 3-8
switch images 3-7
configura tion fil es
downloading B-14
overview B-13
prep arin g the s erve r B-13
uploading B-15
image files
deleting old image B-28
downloading B-26
prep arin g the s erve r B-25
uploading B-28
FTP, accessing MIB files A-2