Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 28 Troubleshooting
Using Recovery Procedures
Step 13 Copy the configurat ion file into memor y:
switch# copy flash:config.text system:running-config
Source filename [config.text]?
Destination filename [running-config]?
Press Return in response to the confirmation pr ompts.
The configuration file is now reloaded, and you can use the following normal commands to change the
Step 14 Enter global co nfiguration mo de:
switch# config terminal
Step 15 Change the password:
switch(config)# enable secret <password>
switch(config)# enable password <password>
Step 16 Return to privileged EXEC mode:
switch(config)# exit
Step 17 Write the running configuration to the startup configuration file:
switch# copy running-config startup-config
The new password is now included in the start up configuratio n.

Recovering from a Command Switch Failure

This secti on descri bes how to recover from a failed comm and switc h. You can configur e a redunda nt
comman d s wit ch g rou p by using the H ot Sta ndby R oute r Pr otoc ol (HSRP). For m ore in forma ti on, se e
Chapter 6, Clustering Sw itches.
Note H SRP is the pref erre d method fo r supplyin g redunda ncy to a cluste r.
If you have not c onfigured a sta nd by comma nd swit ch, a nd your c omma nd switc h lo ses power or fai ls
in some other way, management contact with the member switches is lost, and you must install a new
comm and swi tch. H owever, conn ectivity betwee n swi tches that ar e sti ll conne cted is not affected, an d
the member switches forward packets as usual. You can manage the members as standalone switches
through the c on sole po rt o r, if they have IP a ddresse s, thr oug h th e othe r mana geme nt i n terface s.
You can prepare for a command switch failure by assigning an IP address to a member switch or another
switch tha t is command- capable , making a note of the comma nd-switch pa ssword, and ca bling your
cluster to provide redundant connectivity between the member switches and the replacement command
switch. T his s ectio n descr ibes two soluti ons for re plac ing a fai le d com ma nd sw it ch:
Replacing a failed command switch with a cluster member
Replacing a failed command switch with another switch
For information on command-capable switches, refer to the release notes.