Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Co n figuring VLANs
Configuring VMPS

VMPS Configuration Guidelines

These gui deline s and restric tions app ly to dynami c port VL AN memb ership:
You must co nfigure the VMPS be fore you con figure ports a s dynamic .
The co mm unic ation be tw een a c lus ter o f sw itc hes a nd VMPS is m an aged by the com mand sw itch
and incl udes po rt-nam ing co nventions that are different from st anda rd port nam es. For the
cluster-based port-naming conventions, see the VMPS Database Configuration File section on
page 14-26.
When you configure a port as dynamic, the spanning-tree Port F ast feature is automatically enabled
for th at p or t. T he Po rt Fast mode a cce ler ate s th e pro cess of br inging t he po rt in to t he for wardi ng
state. Yo u can disab le Port Fast mod e on a dynami c port.
802.1 X ports cannot be configured as dyn amic por ts. If you tr y to enable 802 .1X on a
dynami c-access (V QP) port , an error me ssage appea rs, and 802.1 X is not ena bled. If you try to
chan ge an 802.1X -enabl ed port to dynami c VLAN assignm ent , an error me ssage appe ars, and the
VLAN con figuratio n is not chan ged.
Tr unk port s cann ot be dynam ic ports , but you can enter th e switchport access vlan dyna mic
interface configuration command for a trunk port. In this case, the switch retains the setting and
applies it if the port is later configured as an access port.
You must turn off trunking on the port before the dyn amic ac cess settin g takes effect.
Dynamic ports cann ot be network port s or monito r ports.
Secure port s ca nno t be dyna mic p orts. You mu st di sable p ort secur ity on a p ort be fore it bec omes
Dynamic p orts ca nnot b e me mb ers of a n Et h erCha nne l g rou p.
Port chan nels can not be configured as dynamic por ts.
The VTP mana gement domain of the VMPS client and th e VMPS server must be the same.
VQP does not supp ort extended-ra nge VLANs (VLAN IDs higher than 1006). Extended- range
VLANs cannot be configured by VMPS.
The VLAN configured on the VMPS server should not be a voice VLAN.

Configuring the VMPS Client

You conf igure dynamic VLANs by using the VMPS (server). The switch can be a VMPS client; it cannot
be a VMPS server.

Entering the IP Address of the VMPS

You must first enter the IP address of the server to configure the switch as a client.
Note If the VMPS is being de fined fo r a cluster of sw itches, enter the ad dress on the command switc h.