Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Ch apter 1 Overview
Netwo rk Configuration Ex am ples

Long-Distance, High-Bandwidth Transport Configuration

Note To use the featu re described i n this section, you must ha ve the EI installed on your Catalyst 2950 switch .
This feature does not apply to the Catalyst 2950 LRE switches.
Figure 1-7 sh ows a configuration for transporting Gigabits of data from one location to an off-site
backup facility over a single fiber-optic cable. The Catalyst switches have Coarse Wave Division
Multiplexer (CWDM) fiber-optic GBIC modules installed. The CWDM GBIC modules can connect to
distances of up to 393,701 feet (74.5 miles or 120 kilometers). Depending on the CWDM GBIC module,
data is sent at wavelengt hs from 14 70 to 1610 na nomet ers (nm ). The high er the wavelength, the farth er
the transmi ssion can travel. A common wavelength for long-dist ance transmi ssions is 155 0 nm.
Up to eig ht C WD M GBIC m odul es, w ith any co mbin at ion of wavelengths, can c onnec t t o a Ci sco
CWDM Passive Optical System. It combines (or multiplexes) the different CWDM wavelengths,
allo wing them to tra vel si multaneously on th e same f iber-o ptic cable. T he Cisco CWDM P assiv e Optica l
System on the receiving end separates (or demultiplexes) the different wavelengths.
Using CWDM technology w ith the swit ches transla tes to farther da ta transmi ssion and an increase d
bandwidt h capaci ty (up to 8 Gbps) on a si ngle fiber-optic cable.
For more information about the CWDM GBIC modules and CWDM Passiv e Optical System, refer to the
CWDM Pa ssive Optical System Installation Note.
Figure 1-7 Long-Distance, High-Bandwidth Transport Configuration
Catalyst 2900 XL,
Catalyst 2950,
Catalyst 3500 XL, and
Catalyst 3550 switches
Access layer
Catalyst 4000
Aggregation layer
8 Gbps