Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Ch apter 1 Overview
Netwo rk Configuration Ex am ples
You can cr eate ba ckup path s by using Fast Ethern et, Gigab it, Fast Ether Channe l, or Gigab it
EtherChannel links. Using Gigab it modules on t wo of the switches, you can have redundant uplink
connec tions to a Gigab it back bone swi tch such as the Catalyst 35 50-12G swi tch. If on e of the
redunda nt conne ctions fails, the oth er can serve as a bac kup path. You ca n configure th e stack
members and the Catalyst 3550-12G switch as a switch cluster to manage them through a single IP
High-performance workgroupFor users who require high-speed access to network resources, use
Gigabit m o dules to connec t th e switch es direc tly to a backbone sw itch in a star co nfigura tion. Ea ch
switch in this configuration provides users with a dedicated 1-Gbps connection to network resources
in the backbone. Compare this with the switches in a GigaStack configuration, where the 1-Gbps
connection is shared among the switches. With the high speed uplink to the distribution server, the
user ca n efficiently o btain a nd store dat a f rom ser vers. Us ing th ese Gi gabi t m odule s a lso provide s
flexibility in media and distance options:
1000BASE-T GBI C: copp er conn ec ti ons of up to 328 f eet (100 m ete rs)
1000BASE-SX GBI C: fiber-optic con ne ction s of u p t o 18 04 fe et (55 0 me ter s)
1000BASE-LX/LH GBI C: fiber-optic conn ec ti ons of up to 32, 808 f eet ( 10 ki lom ete rs)
1000BASE-ZX GBIC : fiber-opti c connec tions of up to 328 ,084 feet (100 kilo meters )
GigaStack G BIC mo dule f or c reati ng a 1- Gbps stac k configurat ion of u p to nine support ed
switches. The GigaStack GBIC supports one full-duplex link (in a point-to-point configuration)
or up to nine hal f-dup lex links (in a stac k configurati on) to oth er Gigab it Ethern et devices.
Using the required Cisco proprietary signaling and cabling, the GigaStack GBIC-to-GigaStack
GBIC conn ectio n canno t exceed 3 fee t (1 meter ).
Catalyst 2950 LRE switch es suppor t SFP GBIC as well as 10/100 /1000 cop per connections
Redunda nt G igab it back bon eUsing HSRP, you can create backup paths between
Catalyst 3550-12T-L3 switches. To enhance network reliability and load balancing for different
VLANs and subnets, you can connect the Catalyst 2950 switches, again in a star configuration, to
two backbone switches. If one of the backbone switches fails, the second backbone switch preserves
connec tivity between th e switche s and networ k resource s.