Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
source ports 21-4
transmitted traffic 21-4
VLAN-based 21-6
spannin g tr ee and na tiv e V LAN s 14-17
Spanning T re e Pro toco l
speed, configuring on interfaces 9-11
speed, setting 10-7
configuring 7-33
crypto software image 7-33
described 7-33
displaying se ttings 7-33
Stack Memb ershi p Discov ery Protocol 13-6
Standby Com mand Config urati on window 6-23
standby comm a nd sw itch
configuring 6-22
considerations 6-13
defined 6-2
priority 6-12
requirements 6-3
virtual IP add re ss 6-13
See also c lust er sta ndb y grou p a nd H SRP
standby gr oup , cl us ter
See cluste r standby group and HSRP
startup co nfigu ratio n
clearing B-19
static access mode 3-10
static access ports
assigni ng to VLAN 14-11
defined 9-2, 14-3
static addresses
See addresses
static VLAN membership 14-2
802.1X 8-14
CDP 20-5
CPE Ethernet link 28-4
interface 9-17
LRE lin k 28-4
port 28-2
QoS ingress and egr ess 26-28
RMON group Ethernet 22-5
RMON group history 22-5
SNMP input and out put 24-15
VTP 15-16
status bar
change notification 3-32
error notification 3-32
sticky learning 18-5
storm con trol
described 18-1
displaying 18-12
accelerating root port selection 13-4
described 13-10
enabling 13-19
BPDU filtering
described 13-3
enabling 13-16
BPDU guard
described 13-3
enabling 13-15
BPDU message exchange 11-2
configura tion guid elines 11-10
forwar d-de lay time 11-19
hello time 11-19
in ca scade d stac k 11-20
maxim um aging t ime 11-20
path cost 11-16
port priority 11-15, 12-17
root switch 11-12
seconda ry root swi tc h 11-14
switch priority 11-18
cross-stack UplinkFast
described 13-5