Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 2 Using the Com m and-Line Inte rfa ce Accessing the CLI f rom a Browser

Accessing the CLI from a Bro wser

This proc edure assu mes you have met the software re quirem ents (includ ing browser and Java plug-in
configurations) and have assigned IP information and a Telnet password to the switch or command
switch, as described in the release notes.
To access the CLI from a web browser, follow these steps:
Step 1 Start one of t he supported browsers.
Step 2 In the URL field, enter the IP address of the command switch.
Step 3 When the Cisco Systems Access page appears, click Telnet to start a Telnet session.
You can also access the CLI by clicking Mon itor th e router- HTML acce ss to th e comm and l ine
interf ac e from the Cisco Systems Access pa ge. For information about the Cisco Systems Access page,
see th e Accessing CMS section in the release notes.
Step 4 Enter the switch password.
The user EXEC prompt appears on the management station.
Note Copies of the CMS pages that you display are saved in your browser memory cache until you exit the
browser session. A password is not requi red to re displa y the se p ages, incl ud ing th e Cisco Sy stems
Access pa ge. You can acces s t he C LI by clic king Web Console - HTML access to the command line
interf ac e from a cached copy of the Cisco Systems Access page. T o prevent unauthorized access to CMS
and the CL I, exit your browser to end th e browser session.