Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 28 Troubleshooting LRE Statistics
Multicast Frames The total number of well-formed multicast frames received by a port. It excludes frames
received with errors, wit h unicast or br oadcast de stination addresses, or with oversized or
undersi zed frame s. Also exclude d are fr ames discar ded or with out a destin ation .
Broa dca st F rame s The t o ta l n umb er o f w el l-fo rme d br oa dcas t fra m es re ceived by a p o rt. I t excl ud es fr am es
received with errors, with unicast or multicast destination addresses, or with oversized or
undersi zed fra mes. Also exclude d are fr ames discar ded or with out a destin ation .
Discarded Frames The total number of frames discarded because of insufficient receive bandwidth or receive
buffer space or because the forwarding rules stipulate that they not be forwarded.
Alignment Errors The total number of frame s recei ved wi th alignmen t errors. It inclu des all the fram es recei ved
with bot h an FCS error an d a nonintegr al numbe r of bytes.
FCS Erro rs The t o tal n umb er o f f ra me s re ceived wit h F C S e rro rs. I t exclud es un dersi zed fr am es w ith
FCS e rro rs.
Undersize frames The total number of frames received that were less than 64 octets long (excluding framing
bits, but including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
Minimum size frames The total number of frames received that were 64 octets long (excluding framing bits, but
including FCS octets) and were otherwise well formed.
Oversize Frame s The t ota l n umb er o f f rame s re ceived of m or e th an 1 518 bytes t hat h ave good FCS values.
Contro l fram es Inc rement ed for each MAC contro l fram e (pau se and uns uppor ted) re ceived.
Pause frames Incremented for each MAC pause control frame received.
Unknown op cod e Increme nte d f or every non- pause MAC control fra me r ece ived.
Length out of range Incremented for each frame receiv ed where the 802.3 length field in the packet did not match
the number of bytes actu ally received. This counter is n ot incremented if the length field is
not a valid 802.3 length bu t is an ethernet packet type.
Symbol errors Incremented each time a valid carrier was present and at least one invalid data symbol was
False carrier Incremented each time a false carrier is detect ed during id le. The e v ent is re ported along with
the statistics generated on the n ext received frame. Only one false carrier condition can be
generated and reported between frames.
valid, too small Incremented for each received frame that was valid but had a size that was smaller than the
minimu m sized frame (of length 64 bytes).
valid, too large Incremented for each received frame that was valid but had a size that was larger than the
maximum sized frame (of length 1518 bytes).
in v alid, too small Incremen ted for each recei ved frame that w as in v alid and ha d a size that was smaller th an the
minimu m sized frame (of length 64 bytes).
invalid, too larg e Incremented for each received fr ame that was invalid and had a size that was larger than the
maximum sized frame (of length 1518 bytes).
Table 28-1 Ethernet Port Statistics (continued)
Statistic Type Explanation