Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 24 Configuring SNMP Configuring SNMP
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to configure SNMP on the switch:
Command Purpose
Step 1 configure te rmin al Enter global co nfiguration mo de.
Step 2 snmp-server engineID {loca l engine id-stri ng
| remo t e ip -address [udp-port port-number]
Configure a name for either the local or remote copy of SNMP.
The en gine id-str ing is a 24-chara cter ID string w ith the name
of the copy of SNMP. You need not specify the e ntire
24-ch ar act er e ng i ne ID if i t con t ains t ra ili n g ze ros . S p eci fy
only t he p ort ion of the engi ne ID up t o th e poin t whe re on l y
zeros remain in the v alue. For e xample, to conf igure a n engine
ID of 123400 0000000 000000 00000, yo u can enter this:
snmp-server engineID local 1234
If you select remote, specify the ip-address of the device that
contains the remote copy of SNMP and the optional UDP port
on the rem ote device. T he d efau lt is 1 62.
Step 3 snmp-server group g roupname {v1 | v2c | v3
[auth | noauth | priv]}] [read readview]
[write writeview] [notify notifyview] [access
Configure a new SNMP group on t he remote device.
For groupname, specify the name of the group.
Specify a security model:
v1 is the least secure of the possible security models.
v2c is the second l east secur e model. It allows
transmission of informs and integers twice the normal
v3, th e most secure, requires you to select an
aut hen tic atio n level:
authE nables the Messa ge Digest 5 (MD5) a nd the
Secur e Hash Algori thm (SHA ) packet au th entic atio n.
noauth The noAuthNoPriv security level. This is the
default if no keyword is spec ified.
privEnables Da ta En crypti on Sta ndard ( DES) packet
encryption (also called privacy).
Note Th e priv keyword is availab le only w hen the cr ypto
software image is installed.
(Optional) E nter read rea d view with a string (not to exceed 64
character s) that is the name o f th e v iew in which you c an o nly
view the contents of the agent.
(Optional) Enter write writeview with a string (not to exceed
64 charact ers) that is the name of t h e view in which you enter
data an d co n figure t h e co nten t s of th e ag en t.
(Optional) E nter notify notifyview with a string (not to exceed
64 characters) that is the name of the view in which you
specify a notify, inform, or trap.
(Optional) Enter access access-list with a string (not to exceed
64 characters) that is the name of the access list.