Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting Started with CMS
Menu s and Toolba r
Note We strongly recommend that the highest-end, command-capable switch in the cluster be the
comm an d s witc h:
If your switch cluster has a Catalyst 3550 switch, that switch should be the command switch.
If your switch cluster has Catalyst 2900 XL, Catalyst 2950, and Catalyst 3500 XL switches, the
Catalyst 2950 sh ould be t h e co mm an d swi tc h.
If your switch c luster has Cata lyst 1900 , Catalyst 2820, Ca talyst 290 0 XL, an d
Catalyst 3500 XL switches, either the Catalyst 2900 XL or Catalyst 3500 XL should be the
comm an d s witc h.
Standby command switches must meet these requirements:
When the command switch is a Catalyst 3550 switch, all standby command switches must be
Catalyst 355 0 sw itc hes.
When the command switch is a Catalyst 2950 switch running Release 12.1(9)EA1 or later, all
standby co mm and s wit che s must b e Ca talyst 2950 sw itch es ru nning Re le ase 1 2.1(9 )E A1 or
When the command switch is a Catalyst 2950 switch running Release 12.1(6)EA2 or later, all
standby co mm and s wit che s m ust b e Ca talyst 2950 sw itch es ru nni ng Re le ase 1 2. 1(6 )EA2 or
When the com mand switc h is runnin g Release 12.0(5 )WC2 or earl ier, the stan dby comman d
switches c an be t hese swit ches: C atal yst 2900 XL, C atal yst 2950, and Ca taly st 3500 XL
We strongly recommend that the command switch and standby command switches are of the same
switch platform and that both are running the same level of software (SI or EI). In the event of a
failover, th e stan dby co mm an d swi tc h must support the same configu ratio n a nd serv ice s tha t a re
running on the com mand sw itch .
If you have a Cataly st 35 50 co mman d sw itc h, the st andby c om mand switc hes sh oul d be
Catalyst 355 0 sw itc hes.
If you have a Cataly st 29 50 co mman d sw itc h, the st andby c om mand switc hes sh oul d be
Catalyst 295 0 sw itc hes.
If you have a Cataly st 2900 XL or Catalyst 3500 XL command swi tch, the standby comma nd
switches should be Catalyst 2 900 XL and Ca talyst 350 0 X L switches.
Refer to the release notes for the Catalyst switches that can be part of a switch cluster.
Note Unles s note d ot herw is e, Table 3-11 lists the menu-bar options a v ailable from a Catalyst 2950 command
switch when the cluster contains only Catalyst 2950 member switches. The menu bar of the command
switch displays all menu-bar options av ailable from the cluster, including options from member switches
from other cluster-capable switch platforms.