Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 3 Getting S tar ted with CMS Menus and Toolbar

Topology Display Options

You can set the type of i nformat ion displaye d in the Topology view by changing the settings in the
Topology Op tio ns wind ow. To displ ay this window, selec t View > Topolo gy Op tions . Fr om this
window, you can select:
Device icons (incl uding I P Pho nes , CPE devices , N ei ghbors, A cce ss Points, a nd Candida tes ) th at
you want d i splayed in or filtere d fr om the Top ology View window
Interface I Ds a nd Actua l Sp ee d values tha t yo u want di spla yed in the Li nk w indow
Host Name s, IP addresse s, and MAC address labels that you want displaye d in the Node window

Menus and Tool bar

The co nfigur ation a nd moni tori ng opt ions for configu ring sw itche s an d s wit ch c lust ers ar e available
from menu s and a toolbar.

Menu Bar

The menu bar provides the co mplet e list of optio ns for managing a single swi tch and switc h cluster.
Options di splayed fro m the menu bar can vary:
Note The menu-bar options on a Catalyst 2950 switch change depending on whether the switch is running the
enhanced software image (EI) or the standard image (SI). The footnotes in Table 3-11 list the options
available if the switch is running the EI. The Catalyst 2950 LRE switch has only one software image
available, an d it co nt ains bo th st anda rd and e nhanc e d func ti onal ity.
Access modes af fect the av ailability of features fr om CMS. The footn otes in Table 3-11 descri be the
availability of an option based on your access mode in CMS: read-only (access level 114) and
read-write (access level 15). For more information about how access modes affect CMS, see the
Access Mode s in C MS sec tio n on pa ge 3-31.
The opt ion f or en ab ling a co mmand sw it ch i s only available from a C MS se ssion laun ch ed f rom a
command-capable switch.
Cluster management tasks, such as upgrading the software of groups of switches, are available only
from a CMS session launched fro m a comman d switch.
If you launch CMS from a specific switch, the menu bar displays the features supported only by that
If you laun ch CM S fro m a comm an d swi tch , t he me nu b ar disp lays t he f eat ures supp orte d on t he
switches in the cluster, with these exceptions:
If the command switch is a Layer 3 switch, such as a Catalyst 3550 switch, the menu bar
displays the features of all Layer 3 and Layer 2 switches in the cluster.
If the c ommand switch is a Layer 2 sw itch, such as a Catalyst 2 950 or Cataly st 3500 XL s witch,
the menu bar displays the features of all Layer 2 switches in the cluster. The menu bar does not
display La yer 3 features even if the cluster has Catalyst 3550 Layer 3 membe r switches.