Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
config urati on option s 14-6
configuring 14-1
config uring IDs 10 06 to 4094 14-12
creating in config-vlan mode 14-9
creat ing in VLA N config uration mo de 14-9
default conf igur ati on 14-8
deleting 14-10
described 9-3, 14-1
displaying 14-14
extended-range 14-1, 14-12
illustrated 14-2
limiting source traffic with RSPAN 21-19
limiting source traffic with SPAN 21-13
modifying 14-8
monitori ng w it h RSPAN 21-18
monitori ng w it h SPAN 21-12
native, c on figur ing 14-20
normal-range 14-1, 14-4
parameters 14-4
port m embe rship mode s 3-9, 14-3
static-access ports 14-11
STP and 802.1Q trunks 11-8
supported 14-2
Token R in g 14-5
VTP modes 15-3
VLAN T runki ng Pro t ocol
VLAN trunks 14-15
administering 14-31
config urati on exam ple 14-32
config urati on guidelin es 14-28
default conf igur ati on 14-27
description 14-24
dynami c port membe rship
described 14-25
reconfirming 14-30
troubleshooting 14-31
entering server address 14-28
mappin g MAC addre sses to VLANs 14-25
monitoring 14-31
reconfirmation interval, changing 14-30
reconf irming m embe rship 14-30
retry coun t, chang ing 14-30
voice VLAN
Cisco 7 960 ph one , po rt c on necti ons 16-1
configura tion guid elines 16-3
configuri n g IP phone s for d ata tra ffi c
override Co S o f in com ing fram e 16-5
trust CoS priority of incoming frame 16-6
config urin g p orts for vo ice traf fi c in
802.1P priority tagged frames 16-4
802.1 Q fram es 16-4
connect ing t o a n IP p hone 16-3
default configuration 16-2
described 16-1
displaying 16-6
VQP 14-24
adding a c lient to a dom ai n 15-15
advertisements 14-17, 15-3
and exte nded -rang e VLANs 15-1
and norma l-rang e VLANs 15-1
client m od e, c onfi gurin g 15-11
global configu ratio n mode 15-7
guidelines 15-8
privile ged EXE C mode 15-7
requirements 15-9
saving 15-7
VLAN c on figur ation m ode 15-7
configura tion mo de options 15-7
configura tion requi remen ts 15-9
configura tion revi sion number
guideline 15-15
resetting 15-15
client mode 15-11